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I was sitting in my room on the floor, losing my hair, when my phone started blaring.

I checked to see Aisha calling.

Once I picked up she shouted to my ear that I got afraid of losing my drums — my ear drums. She actually shouted my name so loudly.

"Ilhan this is a very good news." She called out again.

"There's someone among the grooms men, he said wallahi he's so serious he likes you a lot and wanna marry you. I mean I know you're quite young, but he might wait for you and I mean you can still get married at an early age. I mean people do that. And don't think i'm mad i'm saying this because I know you'll like him. I mean this is a small secret, and you're the only one I can tell this, but when I saw him during the wedding, I was crushing on him too, and now he wants you Ilhan, if I had a crush on him i'm sure you'll love him. I mean he likes you so much Ilhan." She said that out in a breath. I had already stopped losing my hair since, because I was getting scared that probably Aisha got some knots lose in her head.

"Ilhan are you there? Say something now!" She said out again.

"Oh yeah I am!"

"Look Ilhan, you might be saying you want to pursue your studies and all, and I know you're new to this stuff, I know you only got those that like you and you've never listened to any of them. But this time around please give it a chance. Wallah he looked so decent and cute, I mean I told you I was crushing on him. Had it been he chose me, you wouldn't have heard from me."

That made me smile, at times I don't know how Aisha's brain works!

"You want me to like the guy you're crushing on? Why would I do that?"

I heard her let out an exaggerated groan. "That's because I don't see any difference between you and me. Wallah anything I want for myself I will want for you Ilhan. I can marry someone and ask him to marry you. That's the extent you mean to me Ilhan. If you love someone for Allah's sake, you'll always wants better things for that person. And he's great Ilhan, you have no idea. He really likes you, he talked to his friend aka the groom, about you, told him he needed your number, so course my brother in-law talked to my sister and she talked me up knowing i'll talk to you about this."

"But...Aisha who's he?"

"Opps i'm so crazy, i've been rambling on and on and totally forgot about saying that part."

I could imagine her face palming now. So I smiled at that.

"Anyways remember the guy that gave out the groom's bio? That tall fair guy?"

"Oh Saif!"

It actually slipped out of my mouth, my hand immediately went up to my mouth.

"Hey! Am I left out on something here? Do you know something I don't? How did you know his name?"

"Oh!...actually he talked to me since at Tahir guest palace. He called out my name and told me he's Saif. I don't know where he knew my name from."

"Well, maybe he asked someone, or he heard someone called your name."

"Yeah, possibly. But if it's him it won't work out. Aisha you should know better than anyone about the change of class. Besides i've seen him collected someone's number in front of me."

"Ilhan please stop talking about that. Shi fa arziqi na Allah ne. I should have been a great example to you. Were my family this way before? So you see, you don't know what Allah holds for you. You don't know what you might be tomorrow. Never lose hope in the mercy of Allah. And wallah if i'll tell you the truth, had it been it's me, even if I saw that guy marrying someone in front of me, then they had misunderstanding and separates, and he came looking for my number telling people he'll marry me, i'd definitely agree. The only thing that will make me not marry him would be disobeying Allah; like if he's disobeying Allah. I mean we all sin, we are all sinners, but Allah knows some sins are far greater than others, hence the major and minor sins classification right? So the only thing that will hold me back is if I find him part of the major sins practitioners. May Allah protect and forgive us all."

"So what do you want from me Aisha?"

"Permission to give out your number. Or even meet him in person if you're comfy with that."

"Caaab. I will talk about it with mommy. For now you can give him my number."

"Do istikhara as well. You know it right? Because I didn't, till when my sister was getting married."

I chuckled at that, "I know it. You're really funny Aisha."

"Alright bye! Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah," she greeted.

"Okay bye. waalaikumussalam warahmatullah," we ended the call with a salam as I dropped the phone on the floor and continued losing my hair.

Published Friday 9th April 2021

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