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I didn't say anything at that, I just remained shush. Then outta nowhere Mamaji showed up in the room, supporting her head with her right hand, and walking sluggishly.

"Oh she's awake!" Aisha said.

Mamaji salamed and moved towards mommy, then exchanged greetings with all of us. All the three of us touched her neck and damn, it was so hot!

"What are you feeling?" Aisha asked.

"Fever and headache." She replied in her tiny voice.

"I'm so sorry." Aisha voiced out, a bit pouting.

"Wallah it's the same thing i felt last week. It was so difficult." Aisha added, as she zipped up her hand bag, brought out some medicine and handed me, "the doctor prescribed this for me, just a pain reliever, antibiotic and anti malaria. But I hate taking medicine, I refused to take anything, only the pain reliever. There's the prescription on the covers, since she's obviously not an adult we can go for the children's dosage right?"

"Yeah I guess. Thanks," I thanked her and started reading the dosage. 

"I know exactly how this fever works, it's so hard. It literally took me donkey years before getting fine, just because I refused medicine." Aisha said and I gave her a pity look and told her sorry before she waved it off saying she's okay now.

"Thank you so much. Kema Allah ya qara lafiya Aisha. Allah ya saka maki da alkhairi." Mommy said.

"Why you didn't tell me you were sick though?" I quickly interrupt, as Aisha was trying to thank mummy.

She squeezed her forehead a bit before saying, "you go around spreading good news not bad."

"Yeah, true!" I replied with a shrug.

I wished Mamaji hard luck before bringing tuwo for her, I brought for mommy too, when I brought some for Aisha she refused having it, and together, we left for the hennah place in Aisha's car. She didn't even bring driver. She was the driver!

"So I've seen what happened on social media. Do you wanna talk about it?" Aisha was trying to look at me at same time trying to concentrate on the road.

"It's okay. I got sad a little bit, then I was okay."

"They are useless people behind weird keyboards, crazy jobless people that got nothing to do, don't let what they are saying get to you." Aisha said as her eyes were still fixed on the road.

"Don't call them that Aisha."

"But that's the truth."

I smiled lightly, I don't know why, but what she just said made my day.

We finally made it to the hennah place, they were doing both saloon, manicure and pedicure there. She asked them to give me a full package.

She got on one of the sofas in the place and fold her legs up as she pressed her phone since she had done hers already.

It hadn't been long when they finish doing my hair, followed by a manicure and pedicure.

Then Aisha stood up as she began stretching her hands, followed by yawning and tiredly covering up her mouth.

"Oh God i'm so tired and quite hungry," She said. "Hey Ilhan have some fun here, I'll go get us some food before your henna is done." 

"Please just wait up!" I said.

"Hey long hair, we ain't gonna eat you up. Are we?" One of the workers teased.

"You see! They ain't gonna eat you up. So just wait for me okay?" Aisha teased some more, before she playfully threw her car key in the air and catches it quickly. Then she waved me bye as I pouted a bit.

She came back with food a while later, and by then they had already finish designing red hennah on my hands, I didn't want to do it on my feet. So I only needed to remove the red hennah now before they apply the black one on my hands.

"I can't wait to apply the black hennah on you, i'm sure it would look awesome on your chocolate skin." The girl supposed to apply the black hennah on me said.

"You're making me wish I have Aisha's fair skin. Mashaa Allah." I joked.

"Common you ain't even dark." The worker said.

"Keep on insulting me." Aisha said, as she was opening the packs of food. "You gonna wait up till you got hands or I should feed you?"

"Nah i'm good." I responded.

They applied the black hennah on me and we waited till it dried off before washing it away. The hennah looked so pretty on me.

I didn't plan on eating, but somehow I got hungry and since my own portion of food was there I decided to eat, though not at the henna place. I would just eat in the car.

Aisha gave the workers there some packs of food before packing mine for me. 

Just as we were about to drove off, Aisha's phone rang.

"Aisha where are you at?" Her sister's voice — who was the bride, came through the speaker.

"About to get to the makeup place. Gotta go book for you, then get our own faces dolled up. You said the makeup location is tahir guest palace right?"

"Oh yes! Thanks so much girl. You're so kind. What of Ilhan are you already together?"

"Oh yes! So do you need anything else?"

"Nah! I guess. Wait Aisha I think i'll need the hennah. But just the red one." She said again through the speaker.

"Oh Allah what an indecisive bride!" Aisha voiced out laughing.

"Okay I won't do it."

"No please. If you actually wanna i'm in front of the hennah lounge now. I can go in give them the house address so they could come over and do it for you."

"Alright, please do that," she said in a low tone before whispering some things to people that were beside her I guess. Then the call finally cut off.

"Oh my God she's so indecisive. You know all yesterday's events she did them with hennah-free hands, she only applied nail paint as she's off-salah. She thought she hates it and stuff but now she wants. Kept thinking of the kinda bride with hennah-free hands though." Aisha gisted me up, shaking her head in process. "Please eat up, i'll go in and give them the address." She finally said, getting off the car, as I nodded.

"I'll be back quickly Inshaa Allah," she whispered out before closing the car door.

I brought out a meat pie and did my bismillah and Alhamdulillah before taking a bite. Ya Allah it's so yummy! I can't remember when last I ate it!

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