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I just saw how she shook a bit, then she retained her composure.

"You've always asked me to stop my bad habits, you told me time's against me. You said time doesn't awaits. I didn't pay head to any of that, and now i'm so scared time's actually against me. If she finds out who i'm really am, she might reject me."

Zee remained silent before I heard her released a sigh, "who's she? And why is this time's different? You've dated quite a few, and i've never seen you this scared before."

"She's Ilhan. That's her name. I guess because i'm really serious this time around. I've never dated anyone hoping to end up in marriage before, I mean I did, but it wasn't that deep," I said. "...except this time." I added and sighed.

Zee released out a sigh as well.

"She's really lucky I guess!"

That was the only thing she said, before she gulped down saliva and fixed her gauze towards the fountain.

"I don't know much about relationships and you know that too, but being a girl I'd say I won't want my future husband to hide anything away from me." She said that out keenly looking at me, then she looked away when she saw how my lips kept on trembling, because I was so scared. So scared to lose Ilhan. Because Allah knows I don't think i'll survive if I do! I can't survive that! I can feel it already, that she's a part of me!

"What if she doesn't wants me afterwards?"

"She's so lucky you're down for her, I'd say she'll choose you for you if she really likes you like you do."

"I doubt so!" I said in barely a whisper remembering what type of a guy was her dream guy.

"I've messed up bad, I should have stopped when you asked me to."

"There's really no time for regret Saif. Just be you and Good luck!"

I looked at her before nodding.

"So what about you?" I asked after a while.

"Lately, this house been suffocating me." She began and I quickly turned slightly towards her and focused my eyes on her.

"Saif, I know they are sisters, but I always feel left out, ever since you left. I could have handle it, but it got intense, sometimes if they talk I feel like they're referring to me, like i'm just here to be a worm and nothing else. I'm not complaining or trying to paint them bad, but I don't wanna be depressed, hanging out around them have become so hard lately. I thought we are one since we grew up together, but lately they got a different mindset. They always show it like I don't have a say here, and there's even limitations to the things I can do and touch here. Overall they've changed..."

So that's it! I knew it! I knew something must have happened. Actually my two sisters are of same mom. My mom isn't my biological mom, she's my step mom.  But no one cares about that here, since we just live the same and do things the same. Zee is now talking about my two sisters; my two step sisters.

And with this information she's feeding me right now, I can't help but feel so bad. Whoever you're, being belittled is so painful and sad! I always feel belittled when I hang up with the haram police because they just have a way of showing they're the only ones doing the right thing, that they are the only holy ones, so I can relate that to Zee's current condition, because I know the feeling.

"So i'm actually thinking of going back to where I come from. And I thought that would be the biggest betrayal ever, because your dad will take it like i've betrayed him..."

She couldn't finish when I cut her off, "my dad?" I said furrowing my brows, and I knew she could tell how shocked I was. In fact I wasn't more shock when she told me of her plans morethan I was when I heard her called him 'my dad' I mean what even is that? Isn't he her father as well? Doesn't she normally call him dad as well?

She ducked her head down, "well lately I can't call him that anymore. They said I got my dad and I can't call there's dad too. Girl got no choice here?"

"Zee are you afraid of them?" I voiced out angrily. I couldn't just believe it. I never thought those little rats could do something so stupid and lowly like this.

"I'm sorry about everything. I'll talk some sense in to them. And have you seen the bond between our parents? So why letting anyone the guards to break that? This wealth they are proud of ain't there's. It ain't mine either. It's for Salman bin Amir! The actual owner of this house. The owner of Salman refinery! The owner of all the Salman companies limited over the world, the amount of right I have over it is the same right you have over it, and the same right my step sisters got over it. Let me not hear anything of that sort ever again. Because yeah it will be betrayal, not just to father but even me! And the day you ever think of leaving this house, is the day i'm sure I'll never forgive you Zee!"

She quickly turned around looking at me, mainly due to my last sentence, but I couldn't help it! I mean I can't imagine Zee leaving this house. I've never thought of her leaving this house. Never in my life have I ever thought of a day like this would come!

And those little rats they'll get it from me. But sure enough, I gotta listen to both sides of the story though. I can't afford being unfair.

Then just like that I found my mind drifting back to Ilhan. Because just then I started thinking of the actual person she was! Who could she be? Now that I think of it, I don't know anything about her! I don't know if her life is like Zee's or like mine, which I highly doubt, because she looks so decent to end up like me, or maybe she got some different jumbled up life as well. I just hope not.

It will pain me to see her in pain, and if she's at all in pain, then I know I have to be there for her, even if it at the cost of my life. I want her to be safe from any harm. Be it emotionally or physically. Because Allah knows I love her too much. Though when one loves too much it hardly happens! And in that case it's gonna hurt so bad!

Just then I heard a ping sound on my phone.

"Probably an alert!" Zee said turning to me, from the smile she was forcing out i'd tell she was joking.

"Or probably a message!" I said and returned the same sad smile she gave.

I slide up my phone and squinted my eyes to read the text as i've seen it was a message.

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