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"And why won't they accept you Ilhan? You are the perfect girl for me. I'm so sure they gonna love you so much. You've seen how Zee acted towards you. My dad loves kind people. He's really kind and treats everyone with kindness. He's gonna love you once he notices how kind you are." I assured her. She nodded her head and wiped away the tears drenching her face before I stood up and began wheeling her as we looked for the girls. Then I decided to ring up Zee, she told me where they are at and it wasn't even far away from where we were. They just some how weren't in view. Maybe some obstructions like trees hide them away or whatever.

"Wow friendship on fleak!" Ilhan teased Aisha once she saw how they've been talking with Zee. We all smiled at that.

"Alright it's been nice meeting you Zee." Aisha said as she gave her a hug, while coming towards me to collect Ilhan and wheeled her up.

"Same here Aisha." Zee grinned and hugged her back. Then she hugged Ilhan a good bye.

"Hey guys, so I'm literally planning a birthday for my little cousin. I would love if you guys make it please. This is me inviting Saif and Zee. I wanna see you guys show up. The outfit is a frozen gown worn by Ana for the girls, and an Olaf attire for the boys, but Saif you might really look weird in that, so you can wear anything." Aisha finished with a shrug.

I had no idea what she's even saying, or who's Ana or Olaf, or frozen, no idea! I just heard I was invited to a little babie's birthday party, so funny!

"We shall show up inshaa Allah." I replied, faking like i've heard all she just said.

"So Zee please you give Saif your size, so he sends it to me and i'll make yours ready!"

"You shouldn't bother really!" Zee said shyly.

"Meaning you won't show up?" Aisha asked, raising up a brow.

"Alright, you can have my number, let's keep in touch." Zee finally said as she gave Aisha her number. All these while Ilhan and I were just smiling at that.

Finally we all exchanged goodbyes! I exchanged a knowing smile with Ilhan before we told them bye and parted ways.

"It's almost time I guess." Zee finally said once we've started to walk.

"About what exactly?" I asked.

"That guy that messaged me. I gave him the address. He said he'll show up."

"Is he a friend or something?"

"I don't even know really. I guess we are friends. Yeah a really old friend that seemed to be living in Jupiter or Pluto or really a far planet!" She said rolling her eyes and I laughed at that.

"Why those places?"

"Well, who fix a year to meet someone? That's just too far! Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess. But we never know what's going on with him!" I genuinely thought and she just said 'yeah.'

Then as we were walking she began pressing her phone I guess she was talking with him.

"Oh it's time." She finally voiced out.

I could sense her getting nervous. What's going on with her?!

"Seems to me you're nervous." I joked.

"That I am." She said before looking at me completely halting in place, "hey just tell me anything that will encourage me and spark up my confidence."

I had no idea what's that about, but isn't she always quite confident?

"Well, in that case i'll just say the things I like about you." I said while she was still holding my gauze as she nodded and asked me to go ahead.

"Well, really I can't lie but I like how you are always being yourself, and the fact that you are so beautiful mashaa Allah and you just never allow it get to you," at this point she started smiling and shaking her head, then I smiled as well, "also I just like how you don't really allow all your riches get to you, I mean you know it too that you're father's favorite. In this whole world there's really no one he likes better than you, and you still don't let that get to you. So those are really great qualities about you. And you're talented and so brilliant and really loyal. Quite religious as well. So yeah!"

She smiled hard at me and she still didn't yank her gauze off me, "I appreciate this. Thank you!" "So how am I gonna locate him, or how can he even locate me around this place. This place is huge and I don't stand out that much!"

"Oh you do stand out!" I honestly replied.

She sighed before looking at her phone, "he told me he's in blue t and black pants! Who could he be around this place?"

"Well, we either wait for him to locate you, or we go search him up."

"Saif I think that's him!" She gestured to a place where a lot of people were standing at.

"Why there's a lot of people surrounding him though?" She voiced out.

Then I looked around and I finally located a guy in blue t, he seemed to be signing something for people, with a lot of them wanting to shake hands and snap selfies with him. Seems like a celebrity in my eyes.

We began walking towards the place, "but how will he even know i'm the one? Look at these lots of people surrounding him." Zee said dejectedly.

"You can tell him your attire via chat. Or you can call him. You have his number right? That way if you're talking, you both will notice who you are on call with."

"Wow you said that like it's the easiest thing ever. That sounds easy to you because you are a guy. As a girl it's not easy being the first one to drop a call."

I had to squeeze my brows at that as my mouth formed in to an O shape. I see nothing wrong with a girl calling first. But that's something girls won't ever be ready to talk about. But really what's there in it?

Just then someone that seemed to be holding a paper and coming from the guy's direction looking so happy, even kissing the paper in process approached our way.

"Wait, who is he even?" Zee asked me before releasing a heavy sigh.

"I don't know Zee." I honestly replied, "but we can find out now!" I said gesturing to the guy approaching us as Zee started fixing her hijab, trying to tuck in her hair. Well I'd say she should have left it open. She looks better with the hair outside. But now if I talk, she would start her lesson about how I shouldn't allow her open her hair in the first place.

"Hey brother! Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah." I greeted shaking hands with him.

"Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah."

"Please brother who's that with a lot of people around him?"

"Oh that's a tiktoker, the famous tiktoker Zain Malek and his fans! Well literally everyone's a fan of him."

"Mashaa Allah brother. Thank you so much."

"You are welcome!"

We both shook hands again before he departed.

"Well Zee, you've heard."

"In that case let's just go home Saif. I don't feel like meeting him anymore!"

"What? Why?"

"Well, you've heard! He's a public figure. He won't even spare me a glance. I'm not worth his time. I don't want him to see me and be shocked that i'm plain me."

"What the heck Zee, he's the one that wanted to meet you, you said?"

"Yeah! But I had no idea he's a public figure."

"Cut it off Zee. Just message him, tell him you've seen him. Then you can maybe hi him so he notices you."

"No way Saif!"

We were like that, so caught up in our mini fight of boosting Zee's confidence when we heard 'hey beautiful!'

We both slowly turned around just to see a figure clamped up in blue t and black sweat pants! 

Published on Tuesday 17th August 2021

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