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Rating: R

Summary: Apparently killing the god of mischief isn't as easy as you thought..

Note: Apologies, its a long one but i figure since i haven't posted raw ideas in awhile Lol 

Your fingers grip the tray in your hands as your eyes slowly rise to your approaching door. You had hidden the poison perfectly out of site and not even the first forkful of food would reveal what awaits for your target.

The plan was simple and even with your target being the young prince of Asgard, you were confident you wouldn't fail. The servant's dress was a little uncomfortable considering how you were so used to pants and armor, but it would all be worth it when the god of mischief is no more. Just go in, deliver the food and then leave. News wouldn't take long that the prince had perished and then it will be all done.

Reaching his quarters, you gave a knock and a pause before entering. ''your highness, I've come to deliver your morning meal'' you announce gently, keeping your eyes low out of respect but your side view showed he was at his chair with his nose in a book with his shoes up on the very table you needed to set the tray on.

When you heard no reply, you thought nothing of it. a servant's job was to do their job and get out with not much interaction or expectance of a reply. You had watched them diligently and posed as them for weeks and throughout all your hard work, your patience finally got you a chance to have interaction with Loki when you heard his usual maid was ill.

Standing before the table, you bowed before you bit your lip, wondering when he was going to remove his shoes so you could place the tray down. Nothing. You weren't taught where else to put it if a situation like this occurred so you just stood there awkwardly as you lifted your eyes slightly to look at him.

''..pardon my prince..''

Nothing. His eyes remained moving, reading his book as he paid you no mind. Bastard.. you'll die soon.. Placing the tray down anywhere else would risk its improper place, so you had no choice but to remain still and wait. Minutes went by, and Loki paid you no mind but you were clear in his vision so you were certain he was there. The only movement he made was to turn a page and sigh contently as your arms began to ache from holding the tray for so long. More minutes went by and you glanced at him almost in desperation as you stood in silence.

The snap of his book shut had you jump out of your skin and he casually sat up with a stretch, his eyes elsewhere than you and he finally took his shoes off the table. In a split second, you placed it down with achy arms and almost slammed it down out of anger and relief of finally being set free. You shook your hands from the ache and quickly bowed your head.

''your highness, is there anything else you need?''

He stayed sat calmly, staring up at you as he man spread with hidden amusement in his eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing. ''are you sure it won't anger you further?'' he smirked as your body tensed. It was almost as if he was daring you, there would most likely be a sever punishment if one dared showed any negative emotion towards a royal so you quickly shook your head with obvious thrown on cheer.

''I am at your service my prince, please- anything you wish of me is in no position of a bother..'' you said quietly and your heart skipped a beat as he leaned forward to examine the food for a brief moment.

You snuck a peak yourself but there was no vision sign of the substance in it so your eyes glanced at him nervously.

With a single finger, he swiped a bit of porridge and stood up casually, his expression basically tsking as he made his way over to you and stopped once the tips of your shoes were touching. His height made itself known as you tilted your head up to look up at him, not knowing if you were breaking a servant's respect but something about his eyes made it impossible not to look away. It wasn't until he raised his hand and presented the porridge on his finger just before his lips was when you broke eye contact to look at the food.

Loki One Shots ♥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon