Thin Ice

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Summary: You make the discovery that Loki is a Frost Giant 

Requested By: @grace_c0okie

Rating: PG

You made the dreadful mistake of glancing behind you, even for a moment to see if the ice creature is still chasing you before you feel the floor vanish under your feet. You immediately landed on your rump before you slid straight down the ice slope, landing hard at the bottom with a thump as you groaned in pain. You could tell you weren't hurt bad, just sore as you struggle to your feet before taking in your new surroundings. Where the hell were you now and where was everyone?

It was a simple mission, one you knew shouldn't have happened anyway but Thor was to determined to speak to the Jotuns about their trespassing during his interrupted ceremony earlier that day. It didn't exactly go well and once they unleashed their ice monster to chase all of you, that's when you lost sight of everyone to save your own behind.

You shivered as the winds picked up and deafened any noise that might have been able to reach you. You seemed to have fallen into a.. cavern? There was nothing but ice walls around you in your small little circle and glanced up to try to see anything; nothing but the dark sky. Your heart rate began to pick up as you tried not to believe your situation and picked up your dagger from the ground. The wall before you seemed to be less thick and if you squint, you could almost see through it like a one-way mirror.

Beating against the ice wall with your fists, its thickness became known before you switched to your dagger. Nothing.

''help!'' you yell, knowing if the Jotuns found you, perhaps they would use you as bait and you'd somehow get rescued.. somehow it being better than freezing to death as you pulled your cloak closer to you. ''Thor! L-Loki!'' you yell through shivering teeth, glancing up and around yourself with no sign of anyone, not even the warriors three, not even a voice.

Minutes pass, and your shoulder begins to bruise by how many times you've tried to ram the wall, let alone your hands by trying to climb out. The more time passed, the more you began getting colder. Choosing the corner of your ice trap, you slump down and shiver as you try to preserve your remaining body heat. They had to know you were gone.. they'd come looking for you right? Especially Loki..

You bury your face in your knees at the thought of him. you both have been getting awfully close the past few months, finding any excuse to be around each other whether through training, walks and reading. You'd gotten to know each other, talked about anything under the sun and moon and he often vented about his frustrations, even about Thor, the thrown, but you were always there to just listen and advice as best as possible that seemed to at least brighten his mood a little, even with a simple laugh. Of course it was impossibly for someone like you, a mere warrior to end up with the prince of Asgard, especially since you didn't find yourself all that attractive, let alone probably his type.. but at least as friends he was bound to try to help find you right?- if your friends were still alive up there..

An hour passed and you didn't know if it was your hallucinations from the frigid cold but you could have sworn you had noticed a flash of light in the sky. Is this what entering Valhalla was like? Did you do anything to die a warrior to be given the honor to settle there? Your eyes slowly began to close, feeling your heart beginning to slow and you could barely feel anything else, let alone try to move. You at least hoped everyone else made it out alive and all was okay, not even wanting to think what Odin would do if he found out-


Your eyes reopened as you heard a familiar voice.. was it real? Were you dead? It almost had sounded like Loki's voice for a moment-

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