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Summary: *requested* your an anime weeb cosplaying to attend your first con- what happens if you run into your boyfriend..

Rating: PG

Note: it would help if you look up Albeto from Overlord before reading if you dont know what the character looks like Lol

You quickly closed the door behind you before your fingers moved to practically rip your uniform off. You have been waiting practically forever for this day to come and you weren't going to waist a single moment still in your SHIELD uniform when you could be finally putting on your cosplay and making your way to anime con. Luckily it was just down the street from the tower this year so you were already yelling down the halls for Jarvis to call a cab by the time you reached your bedroom. And the best part was: the character you were dressing as- Albedo from Overlord- already had black wings ironically like yours! It was probably why it was one of your favorite animes because it made you feel more relatable.. minus the violence of course.
Having already gotten your bag ready the night before, you already were getting your costume on that almost hugged your body just as well as your own work jumpsuit. Thank goodness you had tried it on before hand for it to fit considering breathing in this thing for the whole weekend might have dampened your mood a little bit. Once your hair was already set after placing the horns on your head, make up in place and bag in hand, you would have kept on time if you hadn't have run into your boyfriend- Loki!
Here's the thing, no one, not even he knew the extent of your life outside of work. True you were still new lovers, but even the team who housed under the same roof was shut out of your private life.. maybe because your weeb life style got a bit made fun of back in the day. Considering you thought for the most part the tower was empty for the day and planned on sneaking out, your wings fluffed in anticipation and fear when your man turned with annoyance to see who had rammed into him.
''by all the nine realms would you- Y/N!?'' his words were cut short with his eyes widening by the sight of you.
You were pretty proud at your cosplay.. but people you personally knew, let alone your boyfriend suddenly made you feel extremely embarrassed and your arms immediately covered yourself with your mouth trying to explain as fast as you could ''I'm just going to this fan expo and most people dress up as characters and I didn't think I was going to run into anyone and I'm sorry for bumping into you and- will you quit s-staring??"' you stammered as his expression lost its shock with extreme interest, his eyes raking up and down your frame with a sly smile spreading against his lips.
''darling, I have no idea what half that sentence meant but why haven't you done this before?? You are absolutely gorgeous!'' he exclaimed as his hands moved to your waist, running over your frame as he stepped closer hungrily and redness crept over your cheeks.
''its only for the weekend.. people who enjoy the same shows and movies gathering now and again together to hang out, dress as characters, buy things- pretty much this whole festival thing..'' you say sheepishly, a giggle escaping as his fingers pressed accidently at your tickle spots on your sides and he took your hands in his with a smile.
''I knew you enjoyed reading those.. backwards novels and those.. high pitched cartoons but I didn't know you were practically worshipping the hobby..''
''I wouldn't say that,'' you laugh ''but I do really enjoy them- but I gotta catch my cab, I'll be back in a few hours-'' you warn him but his hands remain on yours at the very mention of you leaving him.
''why don't I go with you love? If you are to be wearing this, I cant have those mortals drinking up free glances without them knowing you are taken'' he suggested, his eyes very rarely meeting yours as his hands catch your waist again, his thumbs gently stroking the exposed skin on your hips as you bit your lip.
''your not even into this stuff- you barely like watching the tv as it is-''
''if I would have known it would be leading up to this type of.. entertainment, I would have been more open to it'' he smirked, his eyes piercing yours a moment before his hand gently ran across one of your horns as if to see if they were actually real; making you more proud at your work.
''mm suppose we could try to see if we could get you a ticket upon getting there..'' you think out loud before taking his hand so your horns wont fall of your head and you giggle before giving him a serious tone ''but I don't want you giving anyone looks,''
''I don't-''
''or calling anything of any sort stupid-''
''that was one ti-''
''orrr trying to pull me away every two seconds. We.. do a lot of that hear-'' you warn him, your voice quiet as if someone was around as your cheeks redden at that thought before returning your gaze to his ''I want this to be purely fun and educational for you only. Plus some authors are going to be there and would hate to miss-''
''alright darling, I promise,'' Loki chuckled and cupped your cheeks ''I'll be following your lead and be on my best behavior.'' He promised and gently kissed your lips before taking your hand for you to lead the way.


You stumble into your room finally before throwing your purse to the side- of course setting your new merch much more carefully down- and Loki following close behind as you both sigh from the exhausting day.
''and that was only the first day?'' Loki questioned as he popped down on your bed tiredly- magically perking up when he noticed you preparing to undress.
''second day is tomorrow- usually there's new items, people dressed up, celebrities and authors, etc'' you explain and remove the horns from your head finally and push your hair out of your face. Noticing Loki watching you, you purposefully turned your back and slowly began to undress as you spoke ''your welcome to join again but I plan on getting there as early as I can to milk the tickets..''
''right..'' Loki said, distracted as he tried to listen as you pull the outfit down and carefully slip your wings out before it could fall completely to the floor but he tried to keep the conversation going so you 'wouldn't notice' his eyes ''and um.. remind me again what this.. sub and dub is..''
Now in only your undergarments, you slowly walk to your wardrobe, eyes on it only as you pretend you look through at what you wish to wear, hiding a smirk as you feel his eyes on you from behind ''sub is if you wish to read wording at the bottom of the screen to help translate what the characters are saying in a different language..'' you explain and pull out a silky night gown, holding it up and looking it over as if debating on if it will do ''dub is if you wish to watch it in English and not have to read it instead.''
You almost jump when you feel a hand reach over your shoulder and take hold of the gown, snatching it from your fingers before it is tossed aside, an arm snaking around your waist all the while as your back comes in contact with a chest.
''your doing this on purpose aren't you darling..''
You could practically hear his amusement in his smile as he lets you turn around to wrap your arms around his neck, coyly looking up at him as you get closer ''I learn from the best after all..''
''well you've most certainly have taught me much on what you very much take pleasure in darling, how about I take this time to teach you what I take pleasure in?..'' he smirked, his voice getting a bit lower as his hands ran slowly to rest on your hips, thumbs rubbing against your skin as you had a hard time realizing that he had been turning you both so the bed was now right behind you.
''and what is it that you wish to enjoy teaching me?'' you asked innocently, seeing the mischief and lust spark in his eyes as his finger tips added very little pressure to indicate he was about to shove you backward.

Loki One Shots ♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora