Are You Drunk?

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Rating: R

Summary: after having a bit to much to drink, guess who's the one to find you?

You weren't really the kind of person to drink often, but when it was in a social setting you defiantly made up for lost time. Starks party couldn't have been a better time to bring up such an opportunity considering Director Fury has been hounding you with assignments and how Loki had been doing in his new adjustment to living in the tower. Quite frankly- as much as you realize how much you've actually fallen for the prince- were tired of playing babysitter. Just the very thought got you taking another shot before you stood back up to take your turn at pool.

You were old school like that and it was fun to you. A good conversation, pool matches with a drink to help you forget everything that had started your stress in the first place was the way to end it all. However, you had debated on that last shot you took, knowing fully well your limit before you get wasted yet with the cheering to take another made you go with the crowd and you made the mistake. Excusing yourself to go to the restroom, you stumble in your heels and made sure you kept a hand against the wall to stable yourself before you grabbed a stall and donated some of your guts to the toilet. Not sure how much time had passed but you found yourself stumbling back out after straightening your little black dress down as best as you could all the way just above the knees. It wasn't exactly the wisest attire to wear when bending over to make a pool shot but with Tony's crazy parties you knew nothing really mattered when people were drunk; a good time was a good time no matter where it ended up or happened right?

Your worries were interrupted as you bump into a tall figure, taking hold of his shoulder to make sure you didn't go down before you straightened yourself up with lazy eyes ''pardon me sir..'' your voice died out when you looked up to see Loki raising a brow as he stiffened himself, his eyes looking over you and you couldn't quite tell if he was looking at you with concern or.. lust. Both?

''Y/N are you.. how much have you had to drink?'' he asked as if he was scolding a child and your hand released his shoulder and slid down his chest with a sheepish grin on your lips.

''I made the adult discission and cut myself off not to long ago after my last shot. Speaking of-''with a hiccup you turn away from him as you made your way back to the pool table, your hands touching peoples shoulders to get by with an unusual linger but honestly it was just for your stabability as you took longer than normal to take a damn step. This didn't come unnoticed however as Loki's eyes kept on you the entire time you made it back to the table and you picked up your pool stick.

''okay, am I breaking?'' you ask as you decide to ditch the heels and toss them aside by the wall out of the way. See? Even when drunk your manners showed, which made it hard for you to believe that you were wasted as you bend to get into breaking position but everything seemed to sway and you end up falling backward on your ass.

''alright I think it is best if this game ends.''

A calm, controlled voice announces behind you as you look up and Loki is looking down at you with authority and.. you cant quite tell.. its almost as if he has something to say but he doesn't say it..

''that's very unprofessional to ditch in the middle of a game.'' You tsk and giggle right after you hiccup. You feel two firm but slender hands go under your arms and lift you up to your feet where you immediately lean back with your back against Loki's chest. ''I'm sorry guys but we'll have to finish this later-'' by how you were feeling you had to agree but even if you didn't, it didn't matter when you felt Loki's hand grasp your wrist and pull you along away from the men you were just hanging out with.

To be frank, you mainly got along better with guys anyway, but you've noticed even around the team, Steve and Tony in particular Loki always grew quiet, distant even if you both were in the middle of an enjoyable discussion with each other. Even if you were Loki's babysitter around the tower, you both just ended up being friends, but as time passed he has been a little.. over protective, or at least firm with his suggestions upon not doing anything dangerous.. or involving guys.

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