Don't Worry Darling

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Requester: Walkingwingsforfree 

Summary: Loki comforting you through a hard time

Note: i tried to keep this as a general thing so you could kinda refer this to almost anything you might be going through irl. 

''Darling, I'm home'' 

Loki called as he backed into the apartment so he wouldn't drop the take-out, kicking the door behind him once safely in. 


''Y/N?'' he asked again, raising a brow as he scanned the living room for you but you weren't there. Setting his things down on the counter, he made haste as he scanned the room for any sign of an alert. Everything seemed normal to the same from before he had left to now, so where were you? And then he heard a sniff. Giving a gentle sigh, he headed directly to your bedroom and knocked gently. ''darling, I'm coming in..'' he said gently, knowing regardless of whatever answer you might be able to give, he was going to do so anyway.

Upon entering, he took in the scene before him where you- mascara smeared and outfit tossed to the side where you now hugged yourself wearing your boyfriend's hoodie and your sweatpants- sat on the ground with your back against the bed and chin on your knees. ''I'm sorry I didn't answer..'' you say quietly with a quivering lip, feeling guilty for him coming home to.. this.

''I don't care about that love, what I do care about is what's going on here.. you've been thinking about it.. haven't you?'' he said with the gentlest of voices, almost as if he were trying to not scare away a butterfly as he came around the bed and sat down before you with his hands resting upon your knees.

You gave a small nod and your chest lurched once more right down to your stomach as fresh tears spilled once more. ''I'm sorry its just- I try not to think about it, to move on but.. its hard being alone with my thoughts right now and-'' you cut your words off when you saw Loki's eyes widened to panic concern and you quickly shook your head to correct yourself. ''it's okay- I know you can't be here 24/7 so leaving to get food was fine- .. I need to learn how to get over this..'' the last part came out quietly. 

''easier said than done as you always say.'' Loki sighed with a small smile to offer before he moved himself to sit beside you in an identical position though with his side pressed against yours. ''I know its not easy to forgive and forget, I of all people know exactly how that feels, and in time things will get better.'' He said gently and wrapped an arm around you where you graciously scooted as close as possible so he could lean his head upon yours with yours against his chest. 

''a mourning period, taking time through the situation, having moments like these, all are part of the healing factor. It can be a slow process, but surrounding yourself with people you cherish, and/or doing things that you enjoy can help as well love.''

''you're here.. and I still am like this..'' you sniff and look up at him through teary eyes into his soft ones.

''which is normal darling. Distractions can only work for so long but until your mind can fully process and develop an understanding to the situation, then acceptance can come that much sooner. Its not a rushing process, but a teaching one.''

Your eyes slowly moved down, cuddling closer to him as you take a deep breath and slowly breath out, closing your eyes as you began calming your body. This didn't go unnoticed by Loki, making you look back up at him upon hearing his light chuckle. 

''good girl.''

You couldn't help but laugh a little as he took your hand in his and kissed it. ''well.. you of all people taught me how to breath through it.'' you lightly teased and he laughed. 

''and I'm the only one who will tell you that involving that.. particular innuendo.'' He teased, squeezing your hand lightly with the insinuation that he would be the only man to be involved in those situations as well. ''but through whatever it may be and like now, I'll be there for you darling. No matter you.'' He promised and already you felt your heart flutter by the love you have for this man and you moved yourself to sit in his lap, facing him.

He gladly placed his hands onto your hips and your own upon his shoulders as you gazed in his blue orbs with as much love and passion as he did for yours. You bit your lip as you looked at him mischievously and he smirked with a wonder on his face. ''what is it?''

You half laughed as you almost squirmed in his lap with excitement and his eyes dulled playfully. ''can i?'' 

''do I have a choice in the matter?'' he half asked and you jumped to your feet and grabbed your phone. 

''of course not-'' 

Loki sighed and chuckled as he got to his feet to join your side. ''fine..'' he replied before you set your phone down as soon as the song began. Loki placed a hand on your hip and took your hand to begin dancing with you while you began to sing; with him caving in and eventually joining in not long after. 

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