Take Two

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Summary: Somehow you find yourself facing 2 Loki's! but don't worry.. you're in safe hands..

Loki from the Thor films will be be Loki(OG) and Loki will be from Ragnarok/Infinity Wars era. bare with me *sweats*

Rated: R

Note: *sweats more* my first threesome one shot of some sorts..

''you will not harm her.''

''I have no intentions on harming her, I assure you. just those who are in my way..''

You lost track of how many times your eyes have gone back and forth until they gave up once you began getting circled. You had no memory of what had happened a few hours ago, just how you went to bed and.. that's it. was this a dream? A nightmare? No.. it couldn't be.. Loki was here, you knew you wouldn't be harmed.. yet you still tried wrapping your head around the fact that somehow your wrists were strapped to a chair. The cold temperature in the room reminded you just how short your nightgown was as it stopped mid-thigh, hugging your body tighter then the oxygen that struggled to leave your lungs as you took in the scene before you.

Loki(OG) passed your right side once more, chest out and strutting elegantly in his royal attire of leather and armor. His eyes weren't on you, thankfully.. his dagger clutched in his hand as he held his attention on his opponent that came before you once more in a completely circle and they both kept going. This Loki was dressed similarly just.. less armor, a more casual form but still held the vibe that he was royal and could strike you down in half a second- thus clutching his own dagger with his eyes on the.. other Loki.

''where am i?'' you manage to get your mouth to form words as you realized you were shaking. ''how did I get here?-'' it looked like you were almost in an interrogation room, with you three being the only ones in the light, surrounded by darkness. If anyone would take a few steps back anywhere, they would surly not be seen. However your voice was enough to have them both pause a few steps away from either side of you, their stance still in defense towards the other but their eyes at least never showed you anything with bad intentions..

''you are safe darling, we are.. unsure of our whereabouts as well-'' Loki(OG) started, his voice gentle as if it were to calm you as his eyes traveled your body as you shook.

''we both know you, it is quite difficult to know who exactly you belong too- but I am most certainly not going to give you up if there is a slight chance you are mistakenly placed'' Loki snapped as he held his dagger defensively towards the other Loki(OG), fully intending to protect you as your body tensed.

''what are you talking about?''

''the multiverse.'' They both said in unison.

That's right.. now you remember.. Dr Strange must have accidently hit you instead of.. whoever you were fighting and must have sent you.. here? whatever universe you were stuck in now,.. you supposed this one had multiple Loki's.

''not multiple love, but the same, in each stage of life brought together. Or at least... the two of us. The other's in the other branches must not have been affected.'' Loki(OG) explained, smirking as your eyes widened at the fact that he had read your mind.

''in our branch, there is a version of you, exactly how you are now. You disappeared.. I am here to take you back with me where you belong.'' Loki said gently, as if his tone alone would convince you but the other Loki(OG) stepped closer.

''she belongs on my timeline- I will not lose her again'' Loki(OG) snapped and they both starred each other down.

''I remember-'' you started, making them both look back at you. ''I was attacked in my apartment, some Hydra agents that Strange was tracking- something happened and I was accidently sent here to these.. to a different branch as you say..'' you explained, getting why you were in your nightgown now. ''but that still doesn't explain why I'm tied up-''

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