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Rating: PG

Summary: guess who's on her period..

You wince as you clutch your stomach, another wave of pain hitting you and just another reminder of you being female. Your period usually was maintainable if you knew exactly when they were expected to hit, usually if you knew you weren't going to be stressed to prolong it or when you secretly planned on having sex with your boyfriend Loki to help it start faster. They did say sex helped it start and not hurt as bad right? So far so good.. but whenever you did have pains, you chose to hid it, especially from Loki.
You were stubborn that way, not wanting to admit you were in pain and putting on the tough girl facade. The team always arrived back at the tower beat and bruised from missions as well and never complained, what gave you the right? And the last thing you needed was Loki babying you because he tended to be a bit over the top- you shuddered as you remembered the time you got a cold last month.
Usually you hid in your room, doing light things like tv, computer or reading. At least the computer let you work from home so Fury could stay off your ass and not moving as much as possible was preferred. Highly. Especially when you get the tendency to faint whenever your period is bad- you supposed you weren't quite normal compared to most girls because that didn't usually happen right?
Another wave snapped you out of your thoughts as you rested your head back with your eyes closed, knees almost to your chest as you stayed still in bed, breathing it out until it was finished- nope. Nope- definitely gonna have to-
You lean forward, prepared to get up and head to the restroom to die there until you heard your door open and you resumed your position with a normal look on your face, adding a smile when Loki entered.
''darling, I've been looking everywhere for you'' his voice was relieved and happy to finally see you and he went around over to where you were, kissing your lips as if it had been years.. its only been an hour.
''well you've found me, what can I do for you?'' you asked with a smile on your face yet your voice seemed forced, this made him take notice with a raised brow.
''are you alright?''
''yes of course, I'm just a bit tired'' you laughed it off and he sat on the bed beside you, a hand resting on your knee with a thumb gently rubbing your skin as he looked at you with pressed question.
''is there any reason why you've chosen this particular sitting position?''
You almost wanted to laugh, considering most of your sitting positions were either cross legged or straight out rather than looking like you were trying to hug your knees. Glancing down at yourself as if you hadn't noticed, you shrugged with a shake of your head ''just trying something new I guess-'' your teasing snapped you back to attention of your issue here and you held your stomach as subtle as you could ''so- what could I help you with now that you've found me?''
Loki's eyes looked you over, a mix of hunger but concern was still in the lead and you saw his shoulders slowly relax. ''no reason at all love, I just wish to know your whereabouts-''
''Loki, nobody else is here, you can relax.'' You reassure gently, knowing his main hobby was to make sure none of the Aveng- male Avengers were anywhere near you and it tended to raise his over protectiveness. This knowledge though made his body completely relax and he laid back on the bed before you and your eyes moved from him, to across the room where the restroom was.
''well why don't you take a nap or something.. I'll be right back-''
A hand gently took hold of your ankle beside his body that seemed to warn you to stay.
''Loki, it's okay I'm just going to use the restroom..'' you told him, wincing visibly while his eyes were closed and felt his slowly remove his slow lingering hand and it slowly made its way up your leg and his smile began to show. You quickly got yourself up, your hand at your stomach now quickly removed to look normal, even though your insides hurt like hell. ''be right back-''

Your hands shook as you held onto the sink, your pale face taking deep breaths as you felt your knees wobble. The waves of pain can usually be intense and sometimes if they were severe enough, made you feel like passing out. The pain pills you took earlier should have started to work.. but even then sometimes it didn't always save you. A knock at the door made you jump and your eyes snapped over to it.
''darling.. are you sure you are alright?''
''y-yes Loki- I'll be right out'' you call and you fall to your knees, your hands gripping the sink making a good effort to support yourself so the drop wouldn't make noise. Deep breaths Y/N.. deep breaths.. your eyes turn towards the door as your hands slowly let go of the sink but your vision begins to fade. You could literally feel the blood drain from your face as you begin falling to your side. ''Loki..''
It was barely a whisper, but the moment his name left your lips had the door open as if he were waiting there like a clingy puppy. As soon as his eyes set upon your limp form, eyes closed and on your side with a hand weakly gripping your stomach, he rushed to your side and dropped to his knees ''Y/N! what's wrong? wake up-''
You could hear him and you slowly opened your eyes, able to feel his hand gripping yours as he placed a hand on your back and you grip his hand a little ''don't.. don't move me yet..'' you breath out and his hand stills, his eyes looking around the room as if to find the cause.
'''Y/N who did this? Who dies today-'' he demands but the grip on his hand made him shut up.
Taking a deep breath, you feel a bit of life return slowly to your face and you use your arm to weakly but slowly help get up to a sitting position on the ground facing Loki who looked over your face with a hand on your cheek. ''Y/N.. please tell me what's wrong..'' his voice was desperate and the gentle grip made it clear he didn't plan on letting go yet as you brush your hair out of your face.
As much as you wished to hide this from him, to not look weak and.. well weak in this state, you sigh. He was your boyfriend after all, not to mention the god of lies so you supposed he were to find out anyway, sooner or later. Looking at him, your voice indicated the awkward conversation. ''I'm fine Loki, I'm just having some cramps-''
A hand gripped the bottom of your sweatshirt and lifted slowly, making you blush as he exposed your stomach and a cool, smooth hand laid itself on it where you look at Loki who seemed to be watching carefully. His eyes glanced at yours, demanding honestly. ''..are you pregnant?''
You finally did laugh and pushed his hand away, pushing your shirt down and resumed clutching your stomach a little. ''no Loki, I'm not pregnant. Its just.. once a month, women get their period when their body finds out they aren't,. well, pregnant. The body basically tears down their surprise party, decorations and such and throws a tantrum. Women bleed all the.. decorations out for maybe a week and then they are back to normal.'' Your eyes glanced away a little but when you finished, you found his eyes looking off in thought, shaking his head as he opened his mouth to find words.
''alright so.. your not dying?''
''it only feels like I am sometimes, rare times I faint like this but then-'' you wince again and he leans towards you as if to try to help with anything but your grip lights on his hand and you relax before continuing ''most of the time it just feels like a tummy ache in a way..''
''well then.. is there anything I can do?'' he asked slowly, his eyes searching all over you as if to find something.
You thought about it, but the most you did, the more needy you thought yourself way. Loki seemed to understand your thought expression and he chuckled a bit, gently kissing your temple and you're a finger to turn your face to look at him. ''it's alright darling, you can ask me''
Biting your lip, you took his other hand so you were holding both and you shyly smiled at him ''could you heat up my heat pack?''
Loki nodded quickly as it if were still an emergency and you got your legs together, gripping the sink where Loki then took your other arm as if you were some old person trying to get around and he helped you up. Still, the thought was nice so you didn't complain as you just smiled at him ''thank you,' holding onto your stomach, you make your way back to your spot on the bed and resume your previous position than was usually the only one to help the cramps. Loki never left your side until you sat down, quickly going to get your heat pack and disappeared to seek out the microwave.
Upon returning, he carried your pain pills, water and heat pack and handed them to you one by one; you setting the pills aside at least for later's dosage and patted the spot next to you. Loki didn't hesitate to get there and sat next to you, his eyes waiting at attention for your next order and you couldn't help laugh.
''I just want you to relax with me.'' You told him and his body slowly stopped tensing, his expression still in question as he scooted closer where you could curl at his side.

 ''that's it darling?''

You nodded and resumed the television across from you both and relaxed into his body ''that's it, thank you..''

There was a good moment of comfortable silence, you both watching the tv before you could feel Loki chuckle against you. Raising a brow since nothing on the tv had shown anything funny at the moment, you looked up at him in question and your cheeks began to redden as he smirked down at you.

''if I'm not mistaken love, I hear sexual intercourse helps settle those pesky cramps of yours..''

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