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Rating: PG

Summary: despite Loki's wishes, what happens if you bring home a dog?

''what in gods name is that?''

You cringe as your disapproving boyfriend came up behind you and you made a failed attempt to cover the puppy that laid in your lap. ''don't raise your voice you're going to scare him-'' you scolded, looking up as Loki looked down at you, your current positions making him look upside down and you would have given him a Spiderman kiss to try to lighten the mood if he wasn't busy trying to take a better look at what you hid.

''didn't I say we're not getting a dog? They're to much to manage especially for the lifestyle we have to live.'' He scolded back and you hold back a pout.

Your apartment wasn't much of the issue, but constantly being called in by SHIELD or the check in at the tower because of Loki's 'probation' was a bit tedious.. but its been months since the world seemed to be in trouble and lately they've been calling the others to go help..

''and don't try to lie and tell me its going to stay that size.'' He added before you got the chance to try.

''..golden retrievers don't get.. that big'' you said sheepishly as the small pup wagged its tail and gave happy pants, practically smiling up at Loki as you cradled the small thing. When the pup began to wiggle around you made sure to hold on so it wouldn't do anything regretful if he got loose to lower Loki's disapproval further. ''to be fair you nodded your head and said yeah when I asked if I could have one..''

Loki sighed in frustration as he took a seat across from you, taking the chair rather than the floor as if to prevent being any closer to the canine than he needed to. ''and what exactly was I doing when you asked that question?''

Your fingers glided through the fur as your eyes adverted his gaze. ''..reading..''

''reading.'' He confirmed, knowing you both knew how distracted he got within a good book and most things around him shut off. Though you may or may have not asked him at that time on purpose. Regardless, it didn't seem to matter as his eyes looked over the dog and you knew he was going to tell you to return him, making you hold the pup closer.

''oh come on- we have plenty of baby sitters over at the tower and you know I've owned dogs in the past so training wont be a problem..''

Loki leaned back in his chair as if to distance himself even more as hair came off the pup as you scratched him and catching his expression, your hand immediately stilled. ''just give him a chance at least.. you might not have gotten the pleasure to grow up with one but its never to late to be friends with one'' you encouraged, using your best begging eyes and the pup used that chance to wiggle free and immediately scampered over to Loki, rearing as he placed his front paws on his leg with his tail wagging. Loki rested a leg over his knee as if to get as much of himself away from the pup as he could and glanced back over at your begging eyes.

''I would have much rather wanted you to own a snake.'' He said grimly as he slowly picked the pup up and looked him over as if to examine him.

''you cant really pet a snake.'' You clarify and rolled your eyes at Loki's smirk, knowing he was thinking of the joke he tended to make when you both got down and dirty in regards to his trouser snake. Going over to him and your new pup, you smile at how cute the scene was on how it kept trying to get closer to Loki as he held him away and you just scooped him back into your arms. ''I promise he won't be trouble at all'' you assured him and flashed a guilty look when Loki spotted the crate, toys and other essentials behind you.

''it would have been nice to consult before you do the bloody deed.'' Loki sighed and rested his head back in the chair in defeat, knowing you would be just as stubborn as he would in this situation. You took the opportunity to run your fingers through his hair, earning a small approving moan and hoped it would ease his perspective on the whole thing.

''it was either a crate or the bed..''


The following days weren't as difficult as you had thought, only because owning previous dogs growing up made training a bit more easy. The only down side was that while training D/N it took away a bit of time from Loki in which his disapproval for the pup didn't improve. Even when you found a good time to.. have fun, a bark, howl or scratch at the door always seemed to interrupt you both; but with often reminders you reassured him that the sooner he was fully trained the easier things will be for you both as far as getting quality time back.

Of course, D/N didn't exactly help reassure Loki whenever he got the chance to tug on his cape whenever he seemed fit to wear it on random days or the squeaky toys being chewed during his reading time. Despite Loki's disinterest, it didn't sway the young pup's particular interest in him and tended to follow him around a lot more than you; which you didn't seem to mind because you secretly hoped a dog might sway Loki's feelings more and more towards Midgard.

''Y/N are you done having a dog yet?'' Loki asked tiredly as he at the doorframe of the mini patio out back while you paced the yard waiting for D/N to go potty.

Glancing him a sarcastic look you turn your attention back to the pup who continued to sniff around. ''just be glad I'm staying on top of potty training so you don't step on another pile.''

Holding back an annoyed comment, he joined at your side and glanced at the pup still roaming the yard. Within the next few minutes, his arm had already found itself around your waist and you knew he missed you as much as you missed him considering you both haven't had time to be together properly for a while. As his hand started venturing off to grip your ass, you swatted his hand away in a half teasing way and glanced around. ''the neighbors could see-''

''its 11:00 pm'' Loki pointed out.

''and we're up, others could as- finally'' you exclaimed as you turned your attention back to the pup who had just finished going potty. ''while I clean up would you be able to take him back to the crate?'' you asked as sweetly as you could.

''I think he'll be fine outside.'' He said flatly.

''and I think you'll be fine on the couch.'' You replied with the same tone, earning a sigh from Loki before he went over and picked up the pup Simba style.

A frustrated sigh left his lips again once he spotted a bit of mood on his paws and he looked at the dog as if he would disappear if he looked long enough. ''you and my brother would no doubt get along.'' He muttered and headed for the bathroom.

Setting him down on the counter with a firm hand to prevent him from jumping, Loki got a towel and gently began to wipe the mud from D/N's paws. He'd never admit it any time soon, but he did think you trained him pretty well considering how much he sat still during the cleaning process. As if to thank him, D/N went and licked Loki's hand, making him draw it back quickly and add a face of disgust. Running his hand under the fossette, he never thought D/N would slide right under it into the water until he actually did it, resulting in Loki frantically getting the sopping puppy out of the sink.

''norns-'' Loki cussed.


You had been roaming the halls in search of your pup and boyfriend, a brow raised in ready concern and ears open, hearing nothing. So far there was no sign of Loki in your room or D/N in his crate. Seriously it was one job, one request... you did consider D/N might have gotten dirty, but you highly doubted Loki would bother to go as far as cleaning him up.. but he never went to find you to tell you to do it..

Checking the bathroom just encase, nothing was out of the ordinary until you spotted that good amount of water on the counter and Loki's towel missing. Using your own to soak up the water, you ventured off to continue your search, eventually making your way to the living room where you stopped dead in your tracks.

Laying back on the couch fast asleep was Loki as well as D/N who slept wrapped in Loki's towel against his chest. Hiding back a smile, you knew without a doubt Loki secretly had a soft spot despite all of his protests and you quietly went back to our room for the night.. not without a photo of course.

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