Hearts and Bubbles

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Rating: R


Summary: Happy Valentines Day! 

You had forgotten how much people posted on social media when it came to Valentine's Day, and each post you saw only reminded you more and more about the last conversation you had with your boyfriend before you had to spend the night at work. You were grateful for the barracks SHIELD had available but if it wasn't for the backed-up paperwork, you would have found yourself in Loki's arms in your own apartment doing a much better job at explaining what the particular holiday meant.


"I mean.. its not exactly a holiday compared to thanksgiving or Christmas but a majority of the time, people still do something on it,'' you explained as you zipped up your uniform with Loki leaning on the doorframe behind you, enjoying the show yet in deep thought.

''but darling, shouldn't partners treat each other like that every day?'' he questioned.

''yes but.. think of it as like thanksgiving, we should be grateful every day but focusing on the symbolic meaning of it in general kind of makes thinks feel official.. more like required where its harder to put off'' you explain, not even knowing if that made sense to yourself as you grabbed your keys and bag and finally faced your boyfriend who had just been coming up at the same time and enveloped you in his arms.

''I could never put you off darling, Midgardian traditions are.. quite strange. Id dare to say then that I have spent every day since we've been together celebrating Valentine's day.'' He prided in himself and began kissing a trail from your jawline to your neck, making you bit your lip yet tilt your head to grant him more access.

''cant argue with that, but I guess society set up certain requirements to make things official, stereotypically getting the girlfriend-'' *buzz* you look down at your phone and saw an urgent text from Nat on how your presence was needed before Fury got even more closer to firing everyone in direct eyesight after the latest mission fail. Minor but still, that man could be a sensitive ticking time bomb.

Looking up at Loki, you catch his lips in your own before stepping out of his arms ''I'll have to explain better tomorrow when I get back, I love you and I'll be home as soon as I can.''


You shake your head to rid of the terrible explanation of Valentine's Day and finally stand once the bus stopped. You clutched the card and container of Asgardian mead Thor managed to get you as you began walking towards your apartment. You hadn't been able to explain what the stereotypical things to do on Valentine's Day were, like flowers, a card and perhaps diner- stuff like that, but did manage to get Loki something. It could also pass as an apology to help lighten the sexual punishments Loki liked to bestow whenever you left him alone for to long, and considering how it was an overnight stay, you seriously prayed Thor helped pull through with this beverage.

Your steps quickened the closer you got and finally opened your door only to stop at a dead halt. The lights were dimmed and instead were supported by the light of scattered candles all around the room. By the smell of it, at least two were scented and placed on either side f the living room to give the place a rose and lavender(?) smell. Your mouth nearly fell by the sight of it all as you stepped further inside, the door closing behind you as you set your things down on the chair closest to you and your eyes dropped to find a trail of rose petals leading down the hall before you.

Your heart began to flutter, being reminded how this was your first Valentine's Day with Loki and for him to go do all this made you want to find him all the more quickly. How did he- this was beyond what most people would do and as you passed the kitchen, could smell there was something delicious covered and cooling on the stove. Your eyes moved back to the hall as you walked down and opened the door that led to your bedroom and found your bed covered with rose petals and a bouquet of roses in the center. A card and a heart shaped box of what you assumed had to be chocolates sat on top of your pillow and your lip began to quiver by the sight of it all.

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