Mischief and Chaos

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Rating: PG14

Summary: boredom isn't an option for Loki

Requester: @LaufeyLecter

The only sound that seemed to be in existence that late morning in Asgard's forests was the sound of horse hooves and birds chirping. Oh, and the occasional mild whining you would give when Loki rode along next to you sometimes just to run his hand up your thigh. This would cause you to have to turn your horse and almost swerve so you wouldn't hit a low hanging branch all because of the distractions the prince you give you any chance he got.

''honestly, it's as if you don't get enough of it at home'' you scold him with a blush as he laughed and slowed his horse to ride again along yours, earning a warning look from you but he relented.

''I could never get enough of you darling'' he grinned and you both went into a trot as your eyes looked ahead finally once the rough parts of the forest seemed to be behind you both.

''if I didn't know any better young prince, I'd say maybe you just didn't have anything better to do'' you lightly tease, earning a chuckle from him.

''are you suggesting that I'm bored, faire maiden?'' he scoffed dramatically with a hand to his chest for dramatic affect. ''I'll have you know that I enjoy touching you, any place.. anytime, anywhere-''

''alright-'' you cut him off before your blush could get any redder and avoided his eye contact, using the act of steering your horse as an excuse. Curiosity got the best of you though. ''..what do you do when you are bored?''

Loki raised a brow at your question. ''being a royal doesn't exactly give you a chance to be bored.''

''well, you have time for outings like this and.. other activities'' you suggested, making him smirk at the inuendo ''say we never got together, what would you be doing with your spare time?''

Loki glanced up in thought, doing his best to understand your question.

''sleep in?'' you suggested, earning a smile from him.

''well, perhaps now and again. Usually I find myself disappearing into the library, or-'' his thought process suddenly halted as a grin and that mischievous look in his eyes appeared you recognized instantly. ''or half the time, I'd be living up to my title.''


Loki gave you a small look. ''and?''

''oh- ohhhh..'' you understood, staring at the god of mischief and trickery ''but.. after all these times, wouldn't your brother and whoever constantly have their guard up?''

Loki smirked and took the lead with his horse, yours following behind in a faster trot as he glanced at you over his shoulder. ''there are other beings to prank than those within the palace..''


Loki clutched your hand now, ensuring you wouldn't leave his side even if you wanted to as you both ducked amongst the bushes. Activity could be heard from not to far away as you look through the branches to gaze upon the peaceful people of one of Asgard's villages. Peaceful.. for now.

Honestly you couldn't help feel a bit nervous, even though most of the time Loki always got himself out of trouble in the end.. key word: most of the time. yet with you here, you were sure he wouldn't do anything extreme to put you in danger. You couldn't help but wish that you both had tied the horses a bit closer encase you needed to make a run for it but Loki explained how their noise might give you both away.

''so what are you-''

A finger pressed to your lips as Loki gently hushed you, giving you a glance over his shoulder before he finally stopped when you both seemed close enough to the outskirts of the village. ''I need full concentration my love for this to work, I need all sound silenced if I can help it'' he whispered.

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