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Prompt for President Loki: "Stay where I can see you." and "If they touched even a single hair on your head..."

Rating: PG 13

Footsteps pounded down the hall as they stormed through the underground bunker, determined to find out what was all the racket coming from the lower level. Loki was never one to be happy- unless things went his way of course, so anything that disturbed his precious peace time better have been well worth the interruption as he entered the room to see his men surrounding something on the floor.

''whatever is making you bark like dogs better be worth it or ill make sure you all are locked outside when the next storm hits!'' Loki shouted, causing his men to spin around and grow silent by his sudden arrival.

One brave soul decided to come forward, keeping his eyes low submissively as Loki straightened up, his horns making himself far scarier as he narrowed his eyes at the man. ''Mr. President.. sir.. we- we found a girl outside on our last search..''

President Loki's brow raised as he almost glanced behind the man and through the crowd, not wanting to show any form of interest or weakness as he gazed into the man's eyes. ''so what. Is it another variant? Perhaps she could be of use to-''

''she's not a Loki..'' the man almost squeaked out and that made Loki's eyes actually cut through the group.

By his sharp gaze alone, it was enough for his men to part off, making a path for him in which he didn't dare take a step forward. But from what he could see across the room, practically curled up on the ground in tattered clothing, to torn to know what she had been originally wearing, a dress perhaps? Her valuables remained covered but she lay hugging herself, her long H/C hair looked messy but not dirty and remained covering her face. 

His men claimed to have covered the entire area in search of other Loki's and perhaps a way out of this god forsaken land, hiding before the monster could find them and then search some more. Never had he ever come across any none variants before.. not alive anyhow. This one seemed young, frightened, but innocent enough where his eyes almost held a look of pity as his body tensed. 

''leave us.''

''yes Mr. President..'' they all said before quickly heading out down the halls in a rush as if any second longer would be the death of them. It wasn't until a good moment of silence passed was when the woman slowly raised her head, the movement alone making her body shake as she looked at Loki before she flinched, looking back down.

The look of fear in her E/C eyes made a strange feeling come to Loki's chest.. pain? Perhaps, but he assumed his attire was professional enough to be seen more as a respectable being rather than a monster. Just to be sure though, he glanced down at himself from his shoes to his vest and jacket, a hand reaching up his face before pausing at his horned crown. Did she think him a monster? A demon with horns that may bring harm upon her? If he were to rule this world, he wished for submission and respect, not fear.. at least not from all.

Taking a silent glance behind him to make sure they were indeed alone, he carefully took off his helmet and set upon the table to the side. "..I'm not here to harm you little one..''

His voice was gentle, a whisper that made her barely glance over at him, the fear to his secret relief was gone from her eyes but she merely moved her eyes away from him once more. 

The sound of his shoes walking slowly forward was the only sound that could be heard as he approached her, keeping his face expressionless but his eyes analyzed her all the same. Where did she come from? What had happened to her that made her so frightened? When he got one step away from her, he kneeled down and took a deep breath. ''if you wish for help in your unfortunate situation, I will need you to meet me half way by answering some questions..''

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