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Rated: PG 14

Summary: you think being the niece of Tony Stark would make you feel a little bit safe, but having to face Loki's ex made all those types of thoughts change. so what happens when a fatal confrontation forces you to come clean about your weakly assaults?

Note: this one shot was requested by @xStef_26

Your head turns sharply to the side, making your body jerk at the same time as you endured another sharp slap to the face. And again and again and again you would always take in a sharp deep breath and turn back to face the unknown woman before you.

"stay away from my man bitch! Consider this your last warning.'' She hissed as she gave you another shove, your still recovering state making you stumble back and fall down again.

You had heard her threaten before, call you names, mention the man. The only man you hung around with in your life was Loki,.. but on a friends level, as much as you would like that to change. Yet your only contact with each other was strictly at the tower where he found himself stuck at during his behavior supervisor by the Avengers. So you had no idea if this crazy chick was even talking about Loki, not like you really got a chance to ask before a fist to the jaw appeared.

This time you kept your eyes lowered with an arm covering your head in a coward position, knowing she was smirking down at you with the face of disgust before she spit and walked off. Most of the time she met you when you just left class, and giving the fact that college is a bunch of adults anyway rather than kids, its not like anyone around would really stop the situation, unless it was to film the event and keep walking when it was over.

This was going to be the seventh time this month now this lady has attacked you, and despite your best efforts in the beginning to defend yourself, you were not a fighter-despite how much your uncle Tony tried to encourage you to learn. It was humiliating and left you more in a what the fuck kind of state on the random attacks, but now it was a mix of your usual routine as well as a way of spiking up your anxiety whenever she didn't appear.

Of course there was no way you could explain these random attacks to anyone.. not even your best friend Loki whom almost seemed to take better care of you then anyone else you could think of.. the very thought of those memories made your cheeks redden as you limp back towards the tower. She had to be talking about Loki right? You don't associate yourself with any guys at your college, and at the tower most of the Avengers are to busy to hang so it usually just left Loki. You had thought that perfect she was just some crazy fangirl? Jealous that you got to live under the same roof as him because there had been a few beating sessions just as you had left a couple yards out of the tower, but not even fangirls would get to that extent right?

Making sure to force yourself to walk normal when you knew you were in camera range of the tower, you entered quickly and your eyes glanced around. Clear. It was only then did you notice your appearance in the elevator's wall reflections did you let yourself tear up. Why you? What was her problem? Who was she? How long will this keep going? Its not like you didn't plead for her to stop, sometimes she had you begging especially by how.. unnaturally strong she was, but at this point you knew this woman wasn't one to expect to listen.

When you heard the elevator's doors open, you had already wrapped up you're crying and jumped when you turned the corner to find Loki there and you both rammed into each other, causing you to yelp in pain as he hit a bruise.

''Y/N- my apologies- good gods what on earth happened to you?'' his voice changed drastically to concern as he looked over you, bending a little to get a better look at the bruise on your cheekbone and you moved your face away, mustering everything in your power to act natural.

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