Dark Angel

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Summary: his original plan was to strip the wings right off your back, but what if he came to like who they were attached to?

''she's in here sir, we've kept her contained until your arrival'' the agent reported, eye color matching the same blue glow as the orb that stayed in the center of Loki's scepter from what you could remember.

Your eyes slowly raised up to the open door before you, the agent who spoke at the entrance stepped aside to let Loki in. from what you could remember he had been contained by SHIELD, the organization you worked for before you remember there was a loud explosion that shook the Heli-carrier and then.. nothing.

It was only obvious you had been taken, like apparently many other fellow agents you recognized and tried to reason with before they trapped you in this room on your knees, each arm extended on either side of your body in a T position by the chains on your wrists and a band of some sort anchoring the ends of your wings to the ground in a small spread position. You couldn't spread them if you wanted to, let alone stand up, and trying to struggle only made things more painful as Loki stepped closer to you with a smirk on his lips by your attempts.

''why don't you just mind control me already like you did the others and get it over with!'' you snapped, knowing it was the only fight you had left as Loki gave a wave at the agent without even turning around.

''leave us.'' He instructed and the agent shut the door behind him, leaving very little light left in the empty room.

You pull more at the chains spreading your arms apart as he kneeled down to be some what in eye contact of you, him still being much taller and took hold of your jaw to make sure you were paying attention.

''if I wanted to mind control you I would have already done so.''

''then go ahead and kill me then-''

''I would have already done that as well.'' He smirked, his piercing blue eyes almost forcing you to keep looking at him before he slowly stood up. ''you have something quite unique about yourself, something that would be very beneficial to my end of the spectrum rather than waste it on those filthy mortals.'' He explained, moving to your side and ducked under one of your wrist chains, bumping it when he straightened up and caused you to wince, holding back a yelp to prevent giving him the satisfaction.

''I'm not going to join you..'' you warned him and your body tensed when he laughed, as well as knowing he was somewhere behind you as you tried glancing back.

''whether you do or you don't is irrelevant, I can have what I need regardless of your cooperation.'' He smirked and you felted him stand close behind you and heard him kneel, causing you to try to struggle more to move away at.. whatever his goal was here.

''..mind control?''

''we've already discussed that.'' He told you and before you could try to guess again, felt him suddenly grip some of your SHIELD uniform behind you and ripped so your back was completely bare to him.

you shiver as you tried moving forward, the tight chains leaving little to no room for movement as you sank back to your knees and tried looking behind you again. ''what the hell are you-''

your words were cut short when you felt his cold, smooth fingertip run slowly down in the middle of your back, hovering just between where each of your wings connected with your back and they were already twitching in hopes to move away as well but they were just as anchored in position as the rest of you.

''I suppose your starting to connect the dots darling?'' he teased and slowly moved his whole and up and down between your wings, his cold skin against your warm skin made you practically shiver and you already knew he was smirking behind you.

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