"Why thank you," the lady said and took the money from him. "I don't think I've seen your face before, not from around here are you?"

"No I'm not," the man answered as he took off his hood to reveal spiky white hair, dark eyes with red lines going down beneath both, and a wart on his nose. He wore some sort of headband with the kanji for 'oil' (I think) on it. Why does this man seem familiar? "I'm a travelling writer, I journey around from place to place and write about cuisine from wherever I happen to be visiting," he told the woman and took a bite out of the pork bun.

"A writer?" you wondered out loud.

"Yup," the man answered.

"Oh, I see," the lady said. "So tell me, how do you like my pork buns?"

"I must say they're quite delicious ma'am," the man told her. "I had heard they were good but now that I've had one, they're amazing."

The woman smiled. "Yes I know aren't they tasty?"

"You know what, I would love to write about these in my magazine," the man said. "Would that be okay?"

"My pork buns would be in a magazine?" the woman asked. Something smells fishy here. You thought as you heard over the conversation.

"Thank you for the pork bun ma'am," you said and bowed slightly to her. "But I must get going."

"In this rain child?" the woman asked. "You'll catch a cold. At least wait for your friend to get back."

You smiled at her. "No need to worry, I have Lady Angel's protection," you told her and walked off with the rain falling on you. You didn't have to look back to know the man's eyes were trained on you, you could feel it. His gaze piercing into your back as you wound your way through the crowds of people. You masked your chakra once you were out of the man's sight and moved around to the side of the little shop.

"Lord Pein?" you heard him ask.

"That's right," the lady answered. "Lord Pein is our leader."

"You leader? What happened to Hanzo of the Salamander?" the man questioned.

"Huh?" the old lady asked. You peeked around the wall and saw the man look behind him. Everyone was staring at him.

"Well uh, thanks for your time," the man said hurriedly and walked away. You stepped out from behind the wall and trailed after him. The loud rain was convenient right now since it masked your footsteps. It also allowed you to travel closer to the man due to the slight amount of fog that formed. He walked to another small restaurant and ordered. The waitress brought his order a while later.

"Say, do you know what that thing is over there?" the man asked while he pointed at an origami angel.

"Huh?" the waitress turned around. "Oh, that's Lady Angel. Didn't you know? They say, if you hang an origami of Lady Angel at the door, your shop will always have good fortune."

"Lady Angel, there's that name again," the man muttered lowly. "An angel huh?"

The waitress walked away and back into the small restaurant. The man fell into silence as he drank his tea and ate his food, all the while he looked deep in thought. He glanced to a side and his eyes widened. You followed his gaze and smacked your forehead. Great, we have a pervert.

"And I think I should start out at Make-out Club Battle!" he said, his hands twitching (I think).

You groaned as you followed close behind. He entered and you waited a while before entering yourself. As soon as you stepped in, you regretted it. There were woman with revealing clothing... too revealing for your comfort. It's not like you wanted to be here, you never once thought about entering this place. A place for women like these who had nothing better to do. You faced the ground and walked to one of the back tables, making sure you still had a full view of the man.

One Of Us (Akatsuki Fan-fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن