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" Arthur is dead ".

" He was killed ".

The couple sat there staring at the king who just revealed the shocking news to them. Becky gulped hard, Freen was right that this war is difficult to win and we should be happy if we survive after this.

" That can't be ". Freen mumbled, she was having a hard time believing that her mentor, her senior, the only person who saw her potential from day one is dead.

" He was killed as he refused to surrender his force ". The king sighed, the recruits and the officers who barely survived the war would be carrying his dead body, it will reach the palace by dawn.

" What does that mean now ? ". Rebecca sighed as she asked her father, Freen sat there unable to utter anything.

He can't be dead...

This isn't true

" The death knights want me to surrender the kingdom ". The king sighed, Rebecca stood up from her seat immediately, the future of the kingdom is in jeopardy.

" Don't tell me you are considering that, father ! ". Rebecca yelled, the king shook his head and sighed. " Of course not, I can't surrender this easily, I plan to stage a counter attack ". The king stated, Rebecca relaxed as she heard that her father has thought of a back plan.

" First we need to pay respects to Arthur and his family, tomorrow the officers will carry him back to the palace ". The king looked at his daughter but when he glanced at her guard who was still in shock after hearing the news, he sighed.

" Sarocha ? ". The king tried to grab her attention, Freen looked up, her eyes were red, it held anger, rage, pain and suffering. " We will avenge his death ". The king reassured Freen that he will not let the death knights win this.

Freen nodded and took a deep breath, she knew that this day would come that the commander is killed in a war as he wanted it to become his legacy and die like a warrior but she didn't think that day would come this soon.

" We will discuss matters in the morning, it has been a taxing day for all of us, we should rest ". The king smiled, Rebecca nodded and got up from her chair, she was about to leave but turned around when she realised that Freen was not following her.

" Aren't you coming ? ". Rebecca called out for her lover who stayed in a trance, Freen slowly nodded and stood up, she bowed in front of the king and left with Rebecca.

" Freen... ". Rebecca called out for Freen but her lover didn't reply back, she knew she must be thinking a lot of things right now. When they reached the bedchamber, Freen went to bed without uttering a word, Rebecca sighed and knew Freen needed time to recover so she didn't pry more into the subject.

Freen laid with her back facing Becca, after seeing this Rebecca pouted and poked her lover's back. " Hold me ". Becca whispered as she pleaded her lover to feel her warmth around her as she slept.

Freen didn't turn, Becca sighed, she scooted close to Freen's body. She knew that her lover needed a protective and loving embrace today so without any words, she hugged Freen from behind, she locked her arm on her waist and kissed her shoulder.

" Good night, Teerak ". Becca mumbled, it wasn't that the commander's death didn't affect her, she tried to put a strong front and face this challenge.

In the middle of the night, Freen woke up with a jolt, her dream was filled with her mother's cries for help as she begged to be saved from that burning house, her screams intensified as she burnt to her death.

Freen covered her ears as she felt the screams ringing in her head even though she isn't sleeping anymore and can't feel the nightmare. " Please make it stop ". Freen mumbled, she sat up on the bed when she felt Rebecca's arm on her waist she sighed as she carefully removed it.

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