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" No !!!! Stop !! ". The princess got up from her chair and shouted, the commander and the king were anxious about what was going to happen, Non froze in his spot when the princess's voice ringed in his head, he was close to striking Freen.

" Drop your weapon ". The commander shouted, Non nodded and stepped away from Freen, he unarmed himself, Freen grunted in pain, she was thankful that the princess stopped him at the right moment, she thought that this was it for her.

" What were the instructions given to both of you ? ". The commander glared at Non as he asked the question. " Not to harm the other intentionally ". Non mumbled, the commander rolled his eyes. " What have I taught you ? ". The commander yelled, Non hung his head low and nodded. " Not to harm the other intentionally ". Non repeated his words with much force, the princess shook her head, Non had done the exact opposite.

The princess looked at Freen, her shirt was stained with blood, she was trying so hard to stop the flow, she ordered the officer to provide her with a cloth as they decide the winner.

" What type of punishment do you think you deserve ? You almost killed her ". The commander asked Non who shuddered in fear, Freen stared at him and shook her head. " Don't punish him ! It was partly my mistake I shouldn't have turned my back to him ". Freen took Non's side, after hearing this Non was stunned, every time Non was the one fighting with Freen, even locked her in her room this morning.

" Enough Recruit ! ". The princess stopped Freen from taking Non's side, Freen nodded and went silent. " It doesn't matter whose fault it was, whatever happened today was not a display of comradery, one of you clearly can't follow the rules and instructions given by their seniors, Do you really deserve to be here ? The army doesn't need people like you who can kill others just to be at the top ? You couldn't control your hatred towards her, however, I am in no position to decide if you are going to be here or not but I don't need a person like you to guard me ". The princess finished, Non sighed heavily, he knew that what he did was wrong but he didn't deserve all that.

" She doesn't deserve to be your guard either, she couldn't even dodge a simple attack ". Non fought back, the king was taken aback, nobody had ever talked to the royal family like that. " Take him away ". The commander yelled, the officers dragged Non away. " She isn't dead ! She is alive so why am I being punished ". Non struggled to break free from the officer's hold as he was dragged away.

" Bring her to the royal doctor ". The princess instructed, by that time Freen was losing her consciousness, she would like to deny it but she had lost a lot of blood. Two servants carried her to the room, the princess left immediately with Liam following her.

" I hope it was not him, who performed better than everyone else during the training ". The king said as the commander and him walked back to the palace. " The boy always feared Sarocha's ability, I didn't think it would escalate to that level, Sarocha has always been on the top with her skills ". The commander sighed, the king nodded.

" The boy wasn't completely wrong, she couldn't dodge his attack ". The king added, the commander didn't expect this from him. " The attack was lethal which was against the rules of the game, Sarcoha couldn't have expected him to kill her, she was playing well the whole match. I know you are not exactly wrong, I understand your worries but she is best suited to be the royal guard. She won't disappoint you and the princess ". The commander vouched for Freen, he had seen her capability, she learned to handle every weapon before everyone.

" I hope your judgement doesn't fail you ". The king stated as he left the commander alone, he sighed and decided to visit the royal doctor to check Freen's health.

At the medical room, Freen's friends got there before anyone, according to Freen they weren't her friends but the girls considered her as one.

" That piece of shit ". Sulax crused under her breath as she saw the doctor stitch Freen's wound. " I always knew there was something wrong with him ". Engfa rolled her eyes, they were doing a good job in distracting Freen.

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