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The flashbacks of the moment of closeness shared between the princess and her guard replayed in Rebecca's mind. Whenever she was in trouble or was close to being injured, her guard would magically appear and save her.

She glanced back at Freen who was angry at her for what she said last night, they were making their way back to the palace, Rebecca needed to find a way to make things better between her guard and her.

The sunlight irritated the princess, she held up her hand to cover her face from the sun. Freen sighed and shook her head, she stepped close to the princess and held her by the shoulders from behind, she guided her towards a different path, which was covered, the sunlight wouldn't reach her there.

And just like that, Freen followed the princess without any words, however, she paid attention to very detail like she always did. She was just waiting to hear an apology, if there was a chance.

Rebecca blushed when she felt her guard notice her problem with the sun but Freen wasn't aware of it, even when she is angry, she didn't fail to make the princess comfortable and find a solution to her every problem.

" Let's go to the throne room ". Rebecca mumbled, she was shy to order her guard around, before she finds the courage in herself to make things right, she realised her mistake, she didn't want her guard to be cold towards her.

" Do you need anything ? ". The king asked his daughter as he was surprised by this unexpected visit. Freen just stood by the door, waiting for the princess to finish her business with the king. " I am going to visit the east village tomorrow ". The princess just announced, she had made up her mind and it was not like the king could change it.

The king sighed and then glanced at the princess's guard who stood by the door, the king had faith in the guard's abilities but just didn't want his daughter to throw herself in danger everyday. " What is the purpose ? ". The king calmly asked his daughter, he didn't want to stop Rebecca from doing what she desires and if it is for the people, he can't never protest against it.

" I have to donate some books to the local library ". The princess stated, the king thought about it for a moment then nodded. " Do what you please, just be safe ". The last words were from a father not from a king, Rebecca sighed and smiled, it was easy than she assumed it would be.

Her father began to trust her...

Or he trusted her guard to protect her..

Eitherway, she is going to the east village

With a last nod, she left the throne room, Freen didn't hear a word of what was discussed in there, she waited for the princess to debrief her if it concerns her security. Whereas, the princess waited for her guard to ask the question first, her previous version would be eager to know what was decided.

" We are going to the east village tomorrow morning, so be prepared ". Rebecca sighed, she knew that she would have to be the first one to break the silence between them, she had made a wrong decision by yelling at her guard.

Rebecca expected to hear an okay or any response from Freen, but the guard just nodded. Rebecca realised that unlike last time her guard didn't protest, last time she was genuinely concerned about her safety and wanted Rebecca to rethink her decision to visit east village but this time just a nod.

However, the princess didn't know the fear Freen felt inside of her, she decided not to show it on the surface, but the memories of their last visit resurfaced, the men could have taken the princess, Freen has to be more vigilant this time.

The next day, Rebecca was ready to leave after her breakfast with the king and the queen, this time the king personally came to the front yard for Rebecca's departure. " Father, it is unnecessary, you should focus on your meeting with the ministers ". The princess reprimanded her father, but the king just kissed his daughter's forehead.

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