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The commander had started preparing the troops for the incoming war, every recruit was surprised to know that they would soon be fighting for their lives, some of them wanted to leave as they didn't want to sacrifice their lives. Some wrote letters to their families warning them about the impending war.

" The east village would be the main target ". Arthur stated, the king and the princess were walking alongside each other as Arthur informed the royals. Freen was walking just behind the three of them.

" Are you sure ? The east villagers are a part of it already, why would they support the death knights if they are going to destroy their home ". The princess wondered, the whole subject was close to Freen, the east village was where her mother lived, she was worried about her and how it might be for her, she couldn't even write a letter to her and warn her about this as her mother had asked her not to contact her ever again.

" The east villagers don't think they are a part of this kingdom anymore after the damage they faced alone. You tell me princess, when you visited the village, what did you think of it ? ". Arthur finished with a question which made Rebecca think.

The image of the east village came to her mind, with broken houses, no one in the markets to buy things, every shopkeeper having no customers, most people begging on the streets, ragged clothes, it was a pure definition of poverty and suffering.

" I can see their suffering, it felt like their life could have been better, some people waited for the change but the others just accepted that it is not going to happen ". The princess replied, realising that the villagers didn't consider the east village as their home anymore, they may have loved it when it was better before the war but not now.

" You can't break a broken thing again ". Freen said in between, all the heads turned to her, the king and the princess just stared while Arthur nodded his head in agreement. " That is why they don't care if the village gets burned down by the enemy, the only thing they desire is the king to give up the throne or their freedom ". Arthur explained, Rebecca nodded, her heart ached after hearing Freen's words, thinking how much her lover might have suffered due to the war.

" The canons and gunpowder is already transported to the village, the people caught a wind of this issue so we sent people to guard the canons, we don't want the villagers to sabotage our plan ". Arthur informed, the king nodded, happy to know that the preparations were going according to his wishes.

" We have divided the troops and assigned captains to each one, we now just have to wait for their first move ". Arthur finished, the king nodded and dismissed the commander, due to the expected war, his work had doubled.

" You have to be careful ". The king requested his daughter, he was afraid that she would be taken away from him as well. " I don't want the past to repeat itself ". The king added, the princess nodded, understanding her father's fears, she glanced at Freen who got what he was trying to say.

" You shouldn't leave your bedchamber often, don't try to think about going to library as well for few days, the library is a little far from the palace, if there is a surprise attack, you won't be safe ". The king further said, Rebecca had no choice but to agree to everything, her father won't listen to her even if she tried.

" There are a lot of things to prepare for so I am heading to the meeting chamber, the ministers must be waiting for me ". The king took his leave, leaving his daughter with her lover.

Rebecca turned on her heels, the only destination was her bedchamber. She noticed that these past few days, Freen seemed more disturbed, perhaps the war had some bad memories attached to it for her as well.

" Are you worried ? ". Rebecca asked her lover who seemed to be lost in her own head. " Freen.. ". Rebecca tried to grab her lover's attention who didn't answer her question, this time Freen turned her head and hummed in response.

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