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Rebecca then walked silently to her room, Freen was still in shock after what had happened but she swallowed the lump in her throat and quietly followed the princess to her bedchamber.

Without wishing her goodnight, Rebecca slammed her bedchamber door, Her guard sighed and shook her head, she hung her head low, she didn't have any appetite left after that but she still dragged herself to the feast, she hadn't had a proper meal today.

Rebecca slumped down on her bed, thinking about what she said to her guard as she asked her about her brother, she regretted it instantly after it left her mouth but what's done is done.

Freen walked into the dining area where the feast was organised for the army officers and recruits. " How was the royal gathering ? ". Rose asked Freen, she was excited to know what happened inside, no one other than army commander was allowed inside the event, there was a separate area designated for the army.

Freen didn't answer her friend's question, she mindlessly chewed on her food which had no taste according to her or she was just too much lost inside her head that she couldn't even taste the food.

Rose still persisted on knowing, she nudged Freen's side but the latter just scowled. " What has gotten into you so suddenly ? ". Rose mumbled and Freen sighed, shaking her head, she couldn't finish her food, she left her plate there, some of her food was still left untouched.

She bid goodbye to her friends and retired to her chamber for the night, Freen thought only sleep would save her. Non saw the change in behaviour, he decided to follow Freen.

" Not now, Non ". Freen was quick to notice, Non's presence behind her, the man must have been thinking he was being sneaky but that was all in his head.

" I think we left something unfinished ". Non smiled as he came out of the shadows. " There is nothing left to say, Non. What I said was true ". Freen shrugged, she had enough of him for today, her mood was already ruined by the princess, she didn't want Non to make it even worse.

" I will leave after I get what belongs to me ". Non stated, Freen sighed and shook her head, she knew exactly what he meant by that. " You can have it if you desire to be her guard so much ". Freen finally said, Non didn't believe what he was hearing, Freen was giving up without a fight.

" But first you need to prove yourself to the commander, it wasn't my decision to be her guard, it was his and the king's decision ". Freen just shrugged, Non scowled, he knew that the commander doesn't like him and what happened at the final test, he doesn't have a great image in the king's eyes either.

" It is all because of you, you know he would never give it to me ". Non cornered Freen, she wasn't scared of Non, he was completely unarmed while she carried a sword, an axe and a knife.

" You are not going to get it because you don't deserve it, so don't beg for it from me ". Freen said as a matter of fact, Non held Freen's collar, it only infuriated Freen, she wasn't going to handle his attitude again.

She grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and pushed him, he fell to the ground face down. " Don't come at me again, if you wish to stay in the army ". Freen bent down to face Non, she knew she had the upper hand here, the reason why he got a second chance was because of Freen.

" Is that a threat ? ". Non challenged as he stood up, Freen only smirked. " It is ". With that she turned around to go to her chamber, leaving Non fuming in anger.

The day couldn't get worse for Freen, first she had to look everywhere in the palace for the princess, then she had a fight with her where the princess requested her to behave like her guard and nothing more. She couldn't even enjoy her meal, which was incredible According to others but she couldn't even taste it properly.

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