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It was one of those nights when the princess struggled to sleep, she tossed around in her bed, thinking that the sleep would soon take over her but nothing happened, all of her efforts to sleep were in vain.

Sighing, she threw the covers off her body and walked towards the window, she opened the balcony door, smiled when the cool breeze hit her face.

" It looks like the sun is going to rise soon ". The princess muttered, she didn't think that it would have been so long, she remembers retiring to bed just after she had dinner with her parents.

" Why is it so hard ? ". The princess thought to herself as she admired the sky, she could see the light filling the sky slowly, it would take an hour for the sun to rise, she was sure about it.

For a moment, the princess thought about going for a walk in the royal palace garden, but then stopped herself as she thought it was still time for the light.

Her next thought made her smile, even if the sun hadn't risen, she could still go to the library, the way to the library wasn't that complicated, in fact Becky had memorised it way before, it was her refuge.

With a cardigan protecting her from the morning's cold wind, Rebecca stepped out of her bed chamber. She knew that her father would scold her if he found out that she sneaked out of her room at this time and especially without a guard by her side.

The Princess didn't care, it was how it was supposed to be, without guards, her life was as simple as it was, the burden was someone else's to take, she was supposed to study abroad.

When Becky stepped outside the royal palace building and paved her way towards the library, she could see the hint of sunrise. She was scared to venture out alone this early in the morning, she hadn't done this alone, she was always with her brother when the siblings did this to scare their parents.

She walked slowly, scanning the surroundings carefully, she was scared to encounter anyone right now but it didn't stop her from wanting to go to the library.

She heard someone's footsteps approaching her, the princess froze in her spot, she thought about who it could be, no one woke up this early in the morning and she was sure that it was definitely not Liam.

She shivered in her spot, almost thought that the cardigan she wore was of no use. The footsteps got near her and the princess was ready to scream anytime if it was a threat.

" I swear I heard someone here ". Someone mumbled, the princess visibly relaxed when she heard a voice and it was more feminine. " Who are you ? ". The princess voiced her question out, the person caught her words and followed the source to get close to Rebecca.

" Oh ". The person mumbled when the realisation hit them that it was the Princess who was walking alone at the time and surprisingly without a guard. The princess relaxed and her body stopped shivering when she was sure that she was not in trouble and no one was here to attack her.

It was the lady from the market...

" Your royal highness ". Freen bowed in front of her, not wanting to seem rude and completely sorry that she assumed that someone had infiltrated the royal palace.

" What are you doing here this early ? ". The princess asked the question, Freen was taken aback by it as the tone was more casual than she had expected. " I was doing my laundry, princess and getting ready for the training which will begin soon ". Freen answered the princess still bowing down, she didn't know how long she should do it, she doesn't want to seem rude, it was the first time she had met a royal family member.

" You can stop that ". The Princess mumbled, Freen awkwardly nodded and stood up straight. The princess smiled at this, she hadn't met someone who was this scared to be in front of a royal, thankfully to her advantage, her face wasn't that clearly visible for Freen to notice her smile.

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