30/An Evil Experiment

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Leo Blue POV

I soppose there's really no harm in trying something new...... even if it was precisely evil.

It was Wednesday morning, and I had received a phone call from a kind gentleman who's car is currently getting repaired, so he needed a ride from the mall to his house.

I pull in the parking lot, honk my horn, and the kind gentleman arrives in less than a minute, carrying bags and bags of marvelous items.

"Hi, are you my ride?" He asked politely.

"That's me!"

"Thank you very very much, you're so kind."

"Oh, I get that a lot." I tell him as he slides into the backseat.

"Now, before we get rolling, would like by any chance like coffee?"

The coffee that I poisoned.

"You're so generous! But no thank you."

"Oh, but you'll want this coffee! It's amazing, creamy, and fresh, everybody says so." I say, trying to convince him of it.

"Oh?" He looks intriged. "Well, perhaps I'll try it them."


I hand the kind gentleman a cup of precisely poisonous creamy coffee. He sniffs it carefully, his eyes widen, and looks at me. "What's in it?"

"Taste it, you'll see."

But little did he know, he wouldn't be able to see ever again.

He drinks it in one gulp, so fast and so sudden. I watch patiently as then looks up at me, his face a mix of bewilderment and innocence. He starts gagging and his eyes begin to water.

"Well," I start, "How is it?"

"It's.. *gags*..... it's...."

"Oh, I don't think you need to say anymore."

The kind gentleman collapsed on the seat. I twist my body over to take a look at him. I saw the life leave his eyes, and how they became still and emotionless.

I grab the wheel and drive into a parking garage, just because if I stayed in a mall parking lot, people would get very comfused, meanwhile a parking garage is dark and there is guaranteed nobody watching people through car window.

The kind Gentleman was absolutely dead. He had no heartbeat or air in his lungs, so I did what I must, grab a sugar plum from my bag and climbed to the backseat to jam it in his mouth. The kind gentleman was dead, but was it possible that he could still dream? That, I wasn't sure, but at least I'm learning now.

I also was unsure if it would work regardless, because he's not a target like Kopelyn and I were, and I was no Witch, but life's full of surprises, isn't it?

His dead body with the plum resting in his mouth lays there like a blanket, and the more I waited the more dead he seemed.

Oh, God, all the phone calls that I could be getting that I'm missing, but the suspense is killing me!

The next thing that I realize is that the purple of the plum begins to glow a sparkle like the stars at night. I yanked it out of his mouth and turn it around in my hands.

I impulsively took a huge bite out of it, ignoring the teeth marks that were already cut deep into the plum's soft skin.

I close my eyes as the sweet taste filled my throat. I open my eyes and can see blurs of color. Colors of white, blue, red, different mixes of shadows, textures, shaped, and at the same time mixed voices were echoing. Low voices, high voices, children screams, curse words, laughter, yelling, dogs barking, horrible crashing noises, and the sound of swirling wind. Suddenly it all stopped, the colors, and the noise.

I seemed to be standing in the middle of a busy restaurant. A restaurant that, seemed odd. Everyone was walking, but not a single person was sitting down or eating, but I knew that it was a restaurant because I somehow....... knew.

The walls were dark glass, with pictures frames going across, but there weren't any pictures in the frames they were simply blank. All the tables were lined up neatly and had one singular chair as if the restaurant was made for depressed people who wanted to eat and stare at the wall. There was a sort of uneasy feeling coming through me, that I just wasn't sopposed to be here.

I finally spotted the man that I killed a few moments ago. He was the only person sitting at the table. He didn't have a single dish, but was staring dead at the wall miserably.

Just to be sure, I gently tap his shoulder and say, "Hey, can you here me?"

He manages to robotically turn his head to face me. His eyes black and soulless as he speaks in a demonic voice, "I want people to die."

My blood ran cold, as I quickly back away from him, but he gets up and follows me as I broke out the door and went running down the street.

The street was absolutely empty, a few cars here and there, but overall empty. That man was walking, while I was running, my energy draining with every step, but I look around me and every single building is staying the same. That man, the kind gentleman that I murdered stood right behind me, I swallowed hard and turned to face him. His lifeless eyes piece through me like as if he knew who I was all along. This doesn't make any sense, was this his revenge?

We both went quiet. I heard a small sound of the street light changing colors, and suddenly the street filled with people walking by.

The kind gentleman, (not very kind anymore) started growing very odd dark fur all over his face. His nose lengthened and his eyes flopped. Oh my God, he morphed into a dog! His tongue hang loose from his teeth, but he still is wearing human cloths and standing upright. I look behind me at some other people. I spotted a zebra with the body of a construction worker, a penguin in the body of an old grandma, and a panda in the body of a toddler.

I back up as he walks up to me, pulling out a knife from behind his back. The knife reflects in the warm sun as he twirls it around in his hand.

I couldn't make much words, so my voice came out breathy and quiet as I beg to him, "Please, don't hurt me!" I broke into another run when he came bolting after me.

I collapsed on the street head first, "What the f*ck have I been drinking!?" I ask myself.

I close my eyes and open them again to notice..... I'm on the parking garage floor.

I was out of breath and sweating terribly. I watch the plum roll out of the pocket of my jacket and I realize something. What I had just experienced wasn't some drunk hallucination, it was a dream, a dream the belonged in the mind of the man that I just murdered.

I watch the plum roll on the concrete and hit the black shiny shoe of a man who was standing over me. My eyes look up his body, and that's when I realized I was looking at a police officer.

Author's note: Those of you who have read Cursed Pool new that this had happened! Anyway, the man that Leo killed isn't really a bad person like he was in his dream. I think he just had a weird dream, but who knows. Anyway, enjoy Scott in the next chapter!

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