42/One Dark Dream

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Leo Blue POV (this chapter is a bit of a drug trip)

Knock knock knock.

I knocked on the wooden cabin door. The streets were so quiet, my my three subtle knocks felt as loud of raging thunder, and you'd assume that somebody would open up, but nobody actually did. I even began to question if this was the right cabin, but my God, I was right!

The cabin door opens slowly. Alone in the dark appears the terrorfying face of none other than the Water Witch. She was the thing out of a nightmare. She had skin so pale and eyes bright red and glowing like flashlights. She looks no different from the way she looked last time I saw her. The dark hair, the black cloak. She really gives me the shivers!

"What do you want?" She growled.

"I know that you make deals with people, correct? I was wondering if I could perhaps make a deal with you?"

"What for?" She scoffed.

"I'm trying to get my cult members to be less freaked out. I am wondering... how can I make this happen?"

Of course I could not fully explain the situation. Water Witch sighed deeply. "Come in."

"Great! Now, Water Witch, I fear that my cult is a bit too sketch for the public eye. I need it to be invisible."

She stops and looks dead at me. "How do you expect to drive around in an invisible bus?"

"I want to see it. I just need to keep it hidden from the government."

The inside of the cabin was full of cobwebs, animal heads on the walls, and the smell of dust. The Water Witch marches to the table, holding the broom like as if it's some sort of cane. She pulls a measuring cup from somewhere and fills up a red coffee mug. "Leo Blue,"


"People in this world don't even know I exist, but the people who do know are using my magic for granted. You don't want to be another dead man in my basket of corpses."

"All I want is to be safe from the government. It's not a huge favor."

"Yeah, a small favor would be asking for better skin, a huge favor is asking for a freaking invisible bus." She says mockingly as she untangled a cobweb with her broom.

"Do people really ask you for better skin?"

"Yes." She laughs, "Anyway, show me this bus."

The Water Witch was skeptical of course, but I was certainly skeptical of her also. She trapped Sugar Plum in a book. What if she traps me somewhere? She actually has the power to simply murder me if she wants!

"Why do you want this, Leo?" She asked when she magically makes us both appear in front of my driveway. 

"Well, yesterday, this woman, she was spying on me. I don't know anything about her really, but I need to prevent anyone from knowing about my secret cult."

"Is that what you're doing now, Leo? Using people? You don't want to government to know about it?"

"Well... I guess."

"Because I'll tell you what. I'll make your bus magical. You could drive your customers, and stop time for your... so called... cult."

"Stop time? You can't do that, can you?"

"I can do anything." She sighs with an eye roll.

"Anything at all?"

"In some way. Because things will change. " She waves the broom around the bus, turning it a brighter shade of blue and also shiny with magic.

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