16/ So...Leo Came Back To Tennessee

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Lesley Blue in 1973 POV

Let's talk about my side of the story now, shall we? I have a lot that I think about too. Especially in my three story house that I live in by myself in Nashville.

I keep the T.V on while I wear my slippers and cook scrambled eggs for myself in the morning. It was March 25th, my 23rd birthday. Another day just getting older.

As I was cooking my eggs, or should I say scrambling my eggs, that might be the correct term, I was listening to the news through the noises of the frying pan sizzling, and the noise of the flickering lights. Those stupid lights. I still need to call someone to fix those things.

Through the somewhat staticy T.V, I hear the words Leo Blue get mentioned.

Leo Blue? As in my brother?

I turn off the stove. It had to be my brother, how many Leo Blues even are there? There can't be any other Blue members outside my family anyway.

I wipe my hands off on my jeans. "Leo Blue, who currently lives in New York City is traveling back to Tennessee to compete in the climbing race competition." The guy on the news stated.

What the hell?

Even though I got better grades in school, Leo went to a better college as an attempt to make our parents think he was smart. That actually was good on his part, because before he went to college, he was a forgetful idiot who would spend his money on the odd thrift store items and candle scents rather than gas at the gas station. It's all the partying he used to do, it made him crazy.

College changed him, and even if he wised up, he was still insensitive and irresponsible. It turns out that people don't actually change. He stayed in New York, which is good for him, because now he gets to drink his wine and stay up all night, just like he always wanted.

Apparently Leo plans on traveling back to Tennessee to compete in the climbing competition, which I know he's once again trying to defeat his childhood self who couldn't do anything that involved climbing. The people on the news didn't know that, but I did.

My cousin, Marcela and her husband, Royal, moved to Hendersonville a couple years ago. In some ways, Marcela has me to believe that people in our family need to stick together, because we've been terrible at doing that in the past, so the Maine Blues moved to Tennessee with the Tennessee Blues like myself. Leo is currently the only one who doesn't love the family enough to give us the time of day.

In my childhood, Marcela is someone that I only get to see one week out of the year, recently however, she's became my best friend and a successful mother and wife, two things that I don't know if I will be any time soon.

I was mentally preparing to call up Marcela just to ask her if she's heard Leo being mentioned on the news.

I dial her number and stand against the wall untill she picks up. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up." I mutter.

"Hey." She answers emidiately as if she knows it's me.

"Hey! Marcela! I heard that Leo's back. I heard about it on the news that he's one of those contestants on the climbing contest thing."

"Oh, fun!"

"No, actually it isn't fun. I'm really concerned about that."


"Leo broke his wrist once after falling off of a tree. He can't climb, even if he intentionally does it just to prove a point. Why does he do things just to prove points anyway? He's basically eating himself alive because he doesn't do anything he wants to do anymore, and on top of that, he doesn't even care about anyone but himself which is part of the reason he's not married-"

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