78/A Summer Of Anxiety

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Lesley Blue POV

All summer, I've been trying to stay optimistic. I hoped desperately that Officer Smith would find out who could've kidnapped Scott, or where he could've gone. I thought that it was impossible that he would go very far. He doesn't know how to leave the state, or escape on some airplane and get across the ocean. He had to have been kidnapped, and it's driving me crazy.   

I got to Ashtray Elementary school around noon, took a few deep breaths, adjust my claw clip and go through the door.

"Hi." I tell the secretary at the window.

She looks up from the paper she was reading and then quickly makes intense eye contact. "Hi. How may I help you?" 

"We talked on the phone yesterday to discuss my nephew's.. um.. disappearance?"

"Oh." She slaps the paper down on the desk and rolls her eyes to the sky, "No, no, you talked to Mrs Paperclip. The other secretary."

"Is Mrs Paperclip here?"

"She's off today."

"Okay, well she told me to-"

"Hey, you have custody of that kid Scott Blue is that correct?" She asks yet doesn't even let me answer. "He ran away from home didn't he?"

"No. He's only nine."

She scoffs and says, "Scott's cousins were actually saying that Scott ran away from home, and went out of state. This is something that the school has no control of, thank you very much." She sassed.

"I understand, but I really just think the school needs to know that children get kidnapped and that the children here should be aware-"

I stop dead in the middle of my sentence when I hear the door to my left fly open. There stood Principal Raines with her bony hands on her bony hips. "Lesley Blue." She says with a grin.

I was losing my trust in this woman, so I had very little faith about what she would actually do about Scott's disappearance. "Can I borrow you?" She asks.

I look at the clock by the ceiling and say, "Sure."

I was yet again in the office with her. This never happens unless a child is in trouble and the parent/guardian has to be there. This was different. I felt like I was in trouble. 

"Principal Raines, you have to understand. The more people aware of Scott's  disappearance, the better. I want more people besides just my family, and the police to be looking for him. I bearly have slept and I haven't been working because he's missing! He was kidnapped and the other kids in this building should learn from his mistake, so this won't happen to anyone else!" I tell her right as she sips her coffee, and making a lot of noise while doing so.

She puts her coffee down on the coaster and folds her hands. "You are wasting so much time thinking that your nephew was kidnapped." She tells me kindly, "Your nephew ran away from home."

"The secretary told me the exact same  thing-"

"Why don't you think the police found him yet? Why would you be searching for two months and a half and still not have found him? That's why they're saying that he ran away."

"Who is saying that?!"

"Oh, you know, Roy Blue and Roy Blue's friends that follow him everywhere. Scott running away from home is a rumor of course, but people have been saying that your family has had problems like this for years." She explains calmly. I don't know how she expected me to react, but it seemed too unreal.

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