9/Death or Dreaming?

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Lesley Blue POV

"Lesley!" Mom shouted from downstairs, her voice echoing across the whole house.

I was busy making my bed. I have to get that out of the way before 7:00, or else, I would be late to getting dressed. Anyway, why is she yelling for me?

"Um, I'm busy!" I call back.

Mom's voice, becoming much closer the next moment says, "It's very productive of you to be preparing for the morning, however, can you go water the plants outside?"

It was my responsibility after all, really because I'm the only person in the house who remembers about it.

I kick off my slippers, and put on socks and sandles. Yes, it's a horrible crime to wear socks and sandles, but it would have to do. I never liked the feel of grass of my bare feet, and sandles are just easier to get on.

Besides, I will only be outside for two minutes.

Still in my pajamas, I left out the back door, spending an extra three minutes to look around for the watering can in the cramped garden shed. Things go missing so easily here. It always smells that last week's garbage and there's always flies buzzing around.

While I was digging through items, I heard noise that sounded like a body hitting against the wall outside the shed.

It had hard to tell exactly what is was, but I had assumed that it was a tree branch that has fallen, or something. I was afraid to look outside, but I forced myself to do so.

It's not even windy outside, I thought, obviously it couldn't have been a tree branch.

Laying in the tall grass, looking about as dead as a door nail was my brother. Leo looks like a corpse, not moving at all, not even breathing. I know my brother very very well, and he has had faked his death before, by laying on the floor and holding his breath, but this was on a whole other level. I was looking at Leo for half a minute now and he has not even come up for air. He was wearing his slippers, with the grass all over them. He had dry saliva on his face, the kind you get when you wake up in the morning. His hair was a train wreck.

"Leo!" I smack him as an attempt to awake him, which is something that I never do.

"Leo, what happened to you?" I grab him by the shoulders and shake him aggressively.

"Come on Leo, can you here me?" I turn to look back at the house. "Oh no." I mutter.

Would I get blamed for Leo's mysterious death if I was the one outside trying to wake him? Absolutely.

I felt my whole body shaking. Not only am I worried about getting blamed, I desperately want to know HOW he actually died!

I continued to shake him back to life, but it wasn't doing any good. He just didn't wake up.

I get scared easily, but this time I felt like I could have a heart attack, so without knowing much about what even happened, I ran back into the house. "Mom! Dad!" I shouted as I breathlessly run back inside, kicking off my sandles.

My stupid family was standing in the living room talking, maybe even drinking during this, while I was panicking and trying to wake up Leo. Mom was reading a novel again, likely to be only half engaged in the conversation that Dad, Grandpa and Uncle Easten were having.

Mom, looking relaxed and with her legs crossed, looked up at me from the pages. "So," She sighs with a smile, "You got those plants watered?" She licks her finger and turns a page.

"Mom, you have to go outside." I panic, which she doesn't seem to realize.

"Those plants didn't shrivel up, did they?" She asks as her snaps the book close.

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