21/The Nonsense Wedding

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Lesley Blue in late March 1976 POV

I wait patiently in Marcela's car, trying to adjust my foot in my high heel sandel shoe in a way that'll make my feet feel comfortable. I have these horrible red marks on my dry skin, and what's worse is that I've never had a manicure before, so my feet are not where they could be.

Weddings. I haven't been to one since Marcela and Royal married at the age of twenty one on a yacht. I wore these same dumb shoes that I borrowed from Marcela because I don't own any of these, nor do I want to anyway.

"Lesley!" Marcela finally gets to her driver's seat while chirping at me. "Why did you straighten your hair? What's wrong with you?"

Before I could answer, Marcela pops a piece of gum in her mouth and looks down at my feet. "I own three hundred different shoes, and you pick those things?"

They were actually the shortest pair of heels that Marcela owns. They were the color of sand, with blue accents that (I soppose) match the turquoise dress that I was wearing. Marcela's dress was bright blue, so I wasn't too confident about sitting around her because our colors would clash, but that's life in the big city, isn't it?

Marcela opens up the mirror and inspects her face, and tells me, "I bet your really mad."

"No. Why would I be?"

"You hated your brother. It's so obvious. Not because you two are polar opposites, but because he's been having a drinking problem for a while now."

"No, no, I don't hate my brother!" I try to explain, but Marcela was really getting into it.

"He's a married man, and don't have to sleep under his shadows anymore! Now that he has a wife, you must feel pressure to get yourself a husband so the family doesn't look at you like you're a lonely stranger on the hill."

A lonely stranger on the hill. I already am that basically. "That's the thing. Leo was the out there people person. He likes people-"

"Even you?"

"I mean, I guess. Then I'm the loner who's afraid of commitment and afraid of rejection. Of course, I don't want to be that way, that's just what my Dad says to people, that Lesley Blue fears too much, and that Leo Blue fears too little." I tell her bitterly, "Leo was popular in school, which I understand why, he used to be very nice, now he's weird as hell."

"Lesley, Lesley, I know that you have a problem with this because you are now under pressure to get married." Marcela says with a laugh.

Obviously. Good old Sean and Sararose will ask me all the questions about marriage because I'm a twenty six year old single who can't love anyone, because I hate everyone. Life is such a mess for this. If I just left the state like Leo did, maybe people wouldn't care so much? This I really don't know. I can't predict anything, that's what Leo does.

I can hear from outside of Marcela's car, footsteps running up to us. I look and all of a sudden, Royal slides into the back seat. "No way! Royal, you were sopposed to stay home with the kids!" Marcela says to him.

"Can I boss two little migits by myself? No! I have my Mother over, she'll take care of those things." Royal says super casually.

Royal's Mother. I haven't met her, but I feel like I know her from all the stories I've heard about her burning cabins from over heating the stove, or times she poisoned people from the food she makes. That woman can't be trusted.

As Marcela finally starts the car, she waits ten seconds before saying "......Royal, I thought your Mom past away?"

"She died?!" I ask, genuinely shocked.

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