56/History Repeats Itself

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Sean Blue POV

I'm sixty- seven years old, but I'm thriving like I've never been before! I stepped into the sunlight after an hour of physical therapy. I was rolling out with my wheelchair feeling as ripe as a grape. "Good morning." Says a regular woman walking down the sidewalk.

"Good morning to you too! My body just keeps getting better and better!"

Just now it occurred to be that happiness comes with torture, as I look down and see that there's three steps that go into the parking lot.

My cane is in Sararose's car, so I couldn't exactly safely get down those steps. Of course, Sararose is the one who drove me, but she said to me before dropping me off that she had to stop at the pharmacy, so that's where her car is at.

"Oh, Rosie, where could you be, Rosie." I sang to the warm air as my arms got tired of rolling my wheelchair around. I roll back to the steps that lead to the parking lot.

I look out into the people walking by, and the cars driving down the street. A shiny blue car that I recognized was driving by. Lesley, Lesley, Lesley.  

Lesley always likes to get things done, and I'm sure she's worrying about something that I'm unaware of. I'm sure she's doing something productive, and I'm very sure that she hasn't got the time on her hands, but she's the person who helps me the most.  

The speed limit is slow due to how busy the area is, and I see her driving with her window open. 


Slowing down the car, she stares at me like I was wild animal, and pulls into the parking lot anyway because her morality is as pure as gold, her patience however... is not.

She parks, she gets out, and is fuming. "Dad, what are you doing?" She says.

"I need to get down these steps. I'm physically challenged! I don't want my back or legs to give out. If I fall, than I'm going to be in really bad pain!" I explain to her. Lesley exhales and looks at me, without actually helping. "You didn't have to wait for me. There are other people."

"Oh, I know that, Lesley, but I got lucky and saw your car!"

Her serious expression broke into her happy youthful smile. "Why aren't I surprised?" She takes me and guides me to the end of the stairs and with one arm, grabs the wheelchair. She could do a lot with two hands. She turns to me as I sit back down. "Seriously, you didn't have to scream for me. It sounded like somebody getting tortured."

"Sometimes, Lesley, people really do get tortured." I tell her as she looks around the parking lot in confusion. A blue Subaru that was much like mine, pulls out of the parking lot. "Is that your car?!" Lesley asks panicked.

"No, that's not my car, you silly goose!" I laugh, "Your Mother has the car actually, but she had to stop at the pharmacy."

"But you can't be without her." Lesley says softly, "And anyways, like I've said before, you can't be out in the world! The world's dangerous these days."

"No, everyone's been so nice out in the world!" I explain happily, as Lesley's expression became harder. "But your hands and legs are messed up, and the last thing you need is to fall and get hurt!"

"That's why I called you!"

"Just like you said, you got lucky." Lesley says the last part very clearly to emphasize it. Lesley is keeping me safe these past two years, and cares about me more than anyone does, and I know this very well. When she tells me to not go out into the world, I somehow still do it.

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