41/Is The School System Okay?

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Lesley Blue POV

When I got out of work on Monday, I got a phone call.

"Hi!... Who is this?"

"It's me."

"Principal Raines, of course! Did something happen with school?" I suddenly realized that even though I like chatting with this woman, she means business.

"Yes, your nephew was sent to my office this morning. School ends shortly, and I will have him back here soon, and I really think that you should be informed on the situation too."

"Oh, you want me at the school?"

"Yes. That would be nice."

I quickly tell her that I will be there as fast as possible as I slip on my shoes, snatch the keys and jump into my car.

I was so anxious during my drive that I felt angry. Not at Scott, even though he must've done something horrible if it required me to be there when Principal Raines gives him a lecture.

"Hi, I'm here for a meeting with Principal Raines.. um, I'm Scott Blue's Aunt." I tell the woman at the front desk.

She gives me a comfused look.

"Oh, and I live with him." I clarify.

She picks up the phone and says in a dry voice, "She's here. I'll send her to you."

She hangs up, folds her arms and says. "Room 116 is Principal Raines office. You could go."

"Okay, thanks so much!"

I didn't mean that. Okay, but this is my problem. I didn't know what Scott did that required being sent to the office. Kids get sent to the office all the time! I remember Henry got sent there a few times. Marcela and Royal were always very casual about it, but it's still a huge issue. Scott never got into trouble before!

I got to the darkly lit office to find Scott across the table from Principal Raines you sits there with her shiny glasses, purple eye shadow, and the awfully high cheek bones.

"Ah! Lesley, Lesley, Lesley. I'm glad you made it!" She says with a joyful twiddle of her thumbs.

"Right. What are we talking about again?" I ask.

"Oh, we're just getting to that. You could sit you know, I won't let you just stand there." She pleasantly stated. She's so kind! How does Scott hate her so much?

I pull up a chair as Principal Raines starts talking. "I believe that there's been a Scandal last week in this school. Something that involves.... a test." She gives Scott intimidating eye contact, but he keeps his eyes down on the floor.

"Lesley, your nephew might've attempted to cheat a test last week."

I was completely thrown off guard. "Bullsh*t!"

"It's true." She smiles.

"But- but Scott has an IEP. His teacher can't possibly let him cheat! He goes to the little room to take the tests so the tests getq read to him. There's no physical possible way that he could cheat. There must've been some sort of mistake!"

"No, Lesley, there wasn't."

"How would you find out, might I ask?"

"Oh, simple question." Principal Raines grins, "I heard that your son knows a set of twins. The new kids in town, Gemma and Summer Malute?"

"Yes! Scott's great friends with them. Those are our new neighbors!" I recalled. It still feels weird that other students could figure out that someone is cheating. Those girls are lovely, and their Father is lovely. I'm sure they caused no harm.

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