12/ A Suspicious Phone Call

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Lesley Blue POV

The Maine Blues are good people, don't get me wrong, but I was more than happy to say goodbye to them.

It already was July 30th, Grandpa turned 66, summer is coming to an end, and I could not stop thinking about the day when Leo passed out on the grass. Part of me wants to pretend that it was part of my imagination, and that it really didn't happen, but I know it did, even though it's just not realistic.

It was 1:50 in the afternoon, the Maine Blues had already left, Grandpa however was still hanging around.

Leo was preparing for school, in which he's going into eighth grade, so therefore he's trying to learn Spanish through a very old dictionary that Grandpa lended him.

I felt like the world was just spinning very slowly as Grandpa and I tried to solve a crossword puzzle in a magazine. Grandpa also says that crossword puzzles prevent dementia, so that's a good reason to waste minutes in a day.

I was able to see Leo from where I was sitting in the kitchen. He's upside down like a bat, with the dictionary over his nose. "Hey, Gramps, guess what I'm saying.... gatitos de evidencia en papel como jóvenes enfermeras. Antes de que la vida use energía."

Grandpa flattens out the magazine on the table and says, "...........What?"

The phone starts to ring, which distracts everyone.

I watch Leo drop the dictionary on the floor in shock, and Mom flies into the room to answer the call. "Hello, you reached Sararose Blue, who is this?"

There was the pause. Mom's mouth opened slightly and her brows scrunched together.

".....uh....." She said quietly as Leo starts to approach curiously.

"Are you feeling okay, Mrs Sugarberry? Your voice is rather soft."

Mrs Sugarberry is the Mother of Leo's talkative friend Jacob, who loves to talk on the phone for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours.

Mom turns around, "Leo! Your nerdy friend wants to talk to you." She says loudly before releasing that Leo is standing right in the doorway.

For some reason, Leo blushes, then hesitates for a second.

When Mom gave the phone to Leo, he whispers, "Hello?"

Grandpa and I watch on as Leo communicates through the phone with a pause between every sentence, and it isn't hard to notice that what he's saying becomes more bizarre with every passing sentence.

"Yep, it's me, it's Leo."

"Yes, just like I told you, my Mom would answer-"

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Talk louder."

"She's back?"

"Oh, nice!"

"I have a few of my dreams sucked into sugar Plums, but they're not very interesting, what have you been dreaming of?"

"Oh, fun. Yeah, hopefully it's enough to reset the clock and bring the Sugar Plum Witch back to her youth."

"I have about seven dreams, and-"

"What do you mean seven isn't enough?"

"Geez this lady is insane-"

"Yeah, she only gave me a week so for, does she want us to be in a coma or something?"

He suddenly seemed frightend for just a moment, his eyes widening.

"Leo?" I whisper shout, "Leo, what are you- who are you even talking to?"

"It's gonna be okay." He continues in a tired out voice, "I'll lie and make up something. My family will never know."

Grandpa smiled and rolls his eyes and says "Oh, my my my."

Leo continues with the phone call saying, "Thanks, love you, bye!" He hangs up and turns bright red.

"I did not say I love you before I hung up, don't even think about it!" He shouted at us.

I watch him leave the room slowly, carefully, like as if he was on egg shells. My head was sinking to questions, and I felt like it was wrong to ask them. Leo possibly had the strangest phone call that I had ever heard. He's up to something. It's not like I even had to find out in a mysterious way, I just happen to have ears, and he happens to forget that he has a loud voice.

Author's note: A short chapter, we love it!
I am aware that the image at the top is a stock photo, I just liked the colors.

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