35/You Won't Make It In The Real World

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Scott Blue POV

Henry, Roy, Gemma, Summer and I met up at the playground as if we're some kind of evil cult. We all were able to get on the swings, but just sat there without actually swinging. I was digging my feet in the woodchips as Gemma out of nowhere says, "My favorite Blue is Scott."

Henry looks at me with a disgusted expression. "Why?"

"Scott, I sorta dreamed about you." Gemma began, "In my dream, you fell off of your bike into a ditch and I won. You actually let me win. I think."

Then everyone looks at me like as this were true, but all it means is that Gemma's been thinking about me, and not very highly.

"You could dream about whatever you want, but this isn't a Disney movie, so it's probably not going to come true." I tell her earnestly.

She scoffs and says, "Guess we'll see about that."

The whole plan was that Gemma and I race from the playground to Ashtray Elementary school, then to the grocery store, and back to the playground. How hard can that be? Actually very hard. We have to deal with traffic when getting across the street and the pedestrians. Our pedestrians in our neighborhood always have their go to swear words when things occur.

My bike is nothing special. I've had it for two years maybe. It's brown, and just a little rusty, and it's sometimes makes an odd creaking sound, but my ears had adjusted to it.

Gemma's bike is larger, cleaner, and over all looks..... faster.

Before we actually began. Gemma was stretching out her legs, like complete yoga on the woodchips. Summer stayed on the swing with her arms crossed. Henry and Roy were chit chatting about politics for some reason, so I cut in. "Henry, this whole bike thing is ridiculous!" I tell him.

He looks at me in shock, "Yeah, tell that to Scott Blue from a few hours ago, because Scott Blue from a few hours was jumping off the walls."

"I wasn't jumping of the walls!"

"Dummy, that's a figure of speech."

"Can't we do the race after next week? It just makes sense! At least find out if you win the raffle, and how much money you get. Gemma and I can both be the biggest loser faces in the whole neighborhood if you don't win the raffle in the first place!"

Roy nods in agreement untill Henry gives him a sharp glance. "I know I'm right! You can't argue with logic!" I yapped. Henry didn't like this too much, but did he have a better point? No freaking way.

"Gemma thinks she's a good bike rider, and if she beats you, she's going to go around for the rest of her life saying I beat the fastest biker of Ashtray Elementary school, Scott Blue." Then he smiles afterwards, "So good luck."

Gemma stands up. "You're sopposed to say break a leg!"

"Why are you listening?"

"Because you're so ANNOYING."

So as we get our bikes ready, I start to get dark thoughts. What if I do fall in a ditch? What if Henry got his stupid friends to set up traps to make sure that Gemma wins?"

"Okay, Scott, are you ready to lose?" Gemma hisses. 

"I don't know Gemma, Scott knows how to cruise. He's pretty top notch." Henry adds his a evil grin. I turn to Gemma. "Yeah, I'm pretty top notch!"

"Okay! You may start!" Roy calls out happily.

I wasn't ready! Not at that very moment! I had not even gotten on the bike yet, but Gemma starting cruising at the speed of light! So I quickly peddle my way to catch up with her.

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