67/The CT Scan

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Scott Blue POV

This is what I get for trying to be safe. How is this what I get?!  I am surrounded by an open space of nature, and both my legs are throbbing in pain.

I was still able to walk, but I didn't think I could run, and I didn't even have the energy to climb that hill to get me out of this place.

I soppose that I would rather be alone in the middle of nowhere than have my Father try to kill me.

I pace the area untill I feel very dehydrated. I could've taken drinks right out of the lake, but no!  There's little minnows in there!

Imagine getting poisoned. A slow death is so much worse than quick one.

As far as I can see, I'm already dead. I didn't come in contact with any other humans, so this might just be the very end, and I hate it!

I began to feel both dizzy and dehydrated, so I sat on the large rock and watch the butterflies flutter in the sky untill they all become distorted.

I closed my eyes and fell off the log into emptiness.

I was sitting in front of the T.V in a unfamiliar house. I was on the floor, as children are sopposed to do. The T.V was staticy, much like the one from Mr Malute's basement. I look all over at the place that I was in, but I can't figure it out.

I look back at the screen where Mr Malute was on the screen, holding my bike as he stands in front of somebody's house, I guess, and then he says, "Scott Blue, I know you're out there." He sneers, "I have the bike, Scott, the one that you stole from me. Now the whole world knows that the criminal all along was you." I blinked, and the T.V began skipping, untill it suddenly showed weird clips of random people getting interviewed saying things like,

"He'll end up just like his Father!"

"He already is just like his Father!"

"I knew that kid was evil! We've all known!"

"Before you know it, he'll be killing people!"

"He must be locked up!"

I search around for the remote. I go to the side of the screen and press buttons. One of these must shut it off! It just kept going and going and going. My palms began to sweat as I grab the vase off of a table that happened to be there. I throw it at the T.V aggressively. Before it could actually break the screen, somebody's hand comes and catches it. A man starts crawling out of the screen.  

I ran for the door, but it was locked.  Once the man stood up, I got a full look at his face. His eyes were the exact same color as mine, and his beard and tall height, made me realize exactly who he is. The way he looked at me was a dead stare, like as if he were a ghost.

This is my Father. This is Leo Blue. He pulls out a gun from his pocket and points it at me, "You were never sopposed to be born, Scott Blue. Your Mother was the only one who ever loved you, and you murdered her!" It was when the bullet left the gun and came straight at me was when I have awoken in a nervous sweat.

It was only a dream.

I seemed to be in a white bed. I sat up and tried to keep my hands still because they were shaking so terribly, like as if there were jellybeans inside of them. "Where am I?" I ask. "Is anyone here?" 

I was in the emergency room, I think. It's a lot like the one I went to when I busted my face from falling into a ditch. The room was pretty small, and very clean. 

"I'll be back." Says a man's voice in the hall. I watch the door fly open, and a man wearing a doctor robe came in. 

Oh no, oh no, oh no! This must be where people did CT scans on my brain to see if I'm evil like my Father!

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