7/Terrorfying Art

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Lesley Blue POV

I have a lot to say about this. My brother, Leo Blue is almost three whole years older than me, but that gives him no exuse to expect me to put up with his utter nonsense.

For one thing, he let a random stranger girl into the house, but that isn't the weird thing. Leo was actually being a nice person for that. The weird thing is that he somehow got her to trust him, which makes no sense because he's not trustworthy in the slightest. Not to mention, strangers.

I ran back into the basement and pick up the phone number of the small piece of paper. "Leo! Do you want this?" I call to him.


Oh, of course he didn't hear anything I said.


"What? Do you really think that I know what this means?"

"That girl's phone number?"

Leo, still holding the broom came downstairs. He was also twirling it in his hand, blind to the fact that he could hit or break something if he's not being careful.

"First of all," He sassed, "That girl has a name. Her name is Kopelyn Yellow and that's not her number, that is Peter Ofgrace's phone number. She's staying with him because she ran away from her home."

"Great. Call that number and find out how to return the book." I point out.

Leo crosses his arms and says, "Boring. She left it there, maybe there's some kind of...... mysterious clue."

"You think?"

"Lesley, can't you see? I think I got an idea."

Of course. Of course he has some kind of idea!

It's was already 12:00. I prefer to eat lunch around 12:00- 1:00. No later, no sooner, and I always make that work. It's currently 12:59, so I bolted up the stairs in a panic. I was sopposed to do my laundry at 1:10, so I had to eat fast.

The kitchen was full of chatter, people, and too many grocery bags scattered across the floor. Although everyone (except Grandpa) was cleaning the kitchen, it still made me stressed. I attempted to put the grocery bags back in Mom's car without looking at anyone, because the more clutter, the more nausea I will have to deal with.

"I'll help you!" I say optimistically as I stare directly at at the sun out the window instead of at the kitchen.

"Good. Be an asset, not a liability." Mom says briskly and she hands me the whole trash bag, which almost weighed me down.

The trash bag.

The only thing in this house, that I will gladly not clean, even though it actually gets worse if the trash isn't taken out, it's still annoying to carry it outside for the neighbors to see. They could actually see what is in the bag, and I would get judged for it!

"I want to help cook lunch." I politely offer.

I would seriously rather watch the food get cooked than look at the clutter of the kitchen, but at least going outside to throw out the trash would keep me away from the indoors.

I throw on the first clean looking pair of shoes that I see, and that's my Dad's green clogs. Those things can't draw much attention.

I make my way outside with the trash bag and cut the bag open, not having the patience to untie it. I would've done that if there were people watching me. Obviously no one is here, because I'm fenced out at the side of the house. I drump out the trash, and sing a few songs in my head, hoping that by the time I'm done with that, my family will be on the couch watching T.V with the kitchen as clean as a wistle.

I re enter slowly, just so nobody notices me and gives me unnecessary attention, like Oh, Lesley! Where were you for ten whole minutes, Blah blah blah blah blah

Instead of that, I hear the voice of my ever so loud Grandpa. "Could it be two little moons and one big moon?" At first I wasn't so surprised. Grandpa has always had a reputation of saying crazy things at random times, so I thought nothing of it, well not untill I looked at what he was holding. He seemed to be holding open a book, and showing the pictures to Uncle Easten, who probably didn't really care.

"Hmmm," Sighs Grandpa, "I want to name them Phillip Johnny Bob, and little-"

As I approach curiously, and notice two drawings are on the book that he has open. One was off a creepy face, made out of what looks like a moon and glowing stars, or planets or something. The other drawing was of a strange glowing outline of a person swimming in water. "What's that?" I ask.
"Found it in the basement." He replied with a smirk. "I think it's nifty." Adds Uncle Easten.

"Well, we can't just look at it forever, we have to do something!" I exclaim. Grandpa turns the book over. "Why? Is it yours?"

I pull up a chair and sit down. "Listen," I begin clearly. "Earlier today, Leo let a girl in the house because she was being followed outside or something. Yeah, when she left, she forgot to take this drawing book with her, and I don't want to steal it."

"Why not?" Grandpa says casually.

"Because Grandpa, it's not ours! How would you feel if somebody stole your old teeth?"

He laughs in response. "Nobody wants my old teeth."

"Grandpa! Someone might want them." Leo claims as him and Dad come into the kitchen. I had no idea where those two were hiding.

Dad glances down at the drawings in the open book. "Those are actually pretty good." He says, genuinely impressed, "Who drew those?"

I look at Leo, who was not paying any attention, but instead was playing with the floral window curtains. "Hmm?" He asks.

Just then I realize... Leo didn't even see these drawings yet because I never gave him the chance to, but suddenly he walks over to the table, looks at the drawings and his jaw drops to the floor. It's like his body turned into an ice sculpture, but I don't know why.

"Gotta run!" He panicks, and snatched the book off the table and runs with it to the basement.

Grandpa, Uncle Easten, Dad and I were quiet first a solid ten seconds, untill Grandpa spoke. "What's his deal?"

"The girl from this morning, that's the deal." I say, trying to not to sound like I'm so over it, because I know that's exactly what I sound like.

"Oh, Leo told me a bit about her, but she wasn't here for very long, was she?" Asks Dad with an eyebrow raise.

"No." I say, "Mom kicked her out. It was very mean."

Dad sighs sadly, "I would've let her stay longer. You can't leave someone out in a dangerous world. If she was being followed, all she had to do was stay, then we could call the police and get her home safely." Why did he have to be food shopping during that time? Dad always knows what to do! Infact there's not one person in this world that he can't deal with.

"Can't do that. The phone's broken." Adds Grandpa.

"It doesn't have to be the phone in this house." Dad continued with a smile.

There was something that I worried about more than the phone being broken, or the fact that Kopelyn was even being followed, it was that Leo panicked at the sight of those drawing. Obviously he hasn't seen them before, because I didn't let him. It just doesn't seem right.

Author's note: Stay tuned!!

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