24/My time... is over?

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Kopelyn Blue POV


Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring!

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

I was so lethargic, that my eyes felt like they were craving to be closed, and then my left foot felt like sparkling water because I haven't moved it in so long.

Leo was out of the house all morning, doing his career, leaving me all alone with my  problems. Honestly, I would like it if Leo helped me with the sugar plums, but he doesn't know about it, so he couldn't.

I go to the phone, pretend to sound energetic as I answer.

"Hi, who is this?"

"Hey, Kopelyn, it's Elleanor."

Oh my God, I hate her. Even though it's not her fault. It's pretty easy to hate the girl that your ex hooks up with.

"Okay, what do you want all of a sudden?"

"Kopelyn Yellow, you know very well. You ruined my life, and I deserve an apology."

She's so pathetic, oh my goodness.

"You're so pathetic!"

"Exuse me?"

"Three things... One, I got married and my last name is different now. Two, I don't owe you an apology. Three, I never ruined your life. The only one who ruins someone's life is themselves." I tell her through a horrible yawn. I do wonder if she can hear me.

"You can't bullsh*t me. The guy that I was with, Houston, he got so drunk-"

"Thanks, I know about that."

"He drove off a bridge, Kopelyn! A freaking bridge, and it's your fault because he cheated on him!" She hollers just loud enough the the phone started to vibrate just a bit.

"Oh really? Houston cheated on me first, did I drive off a bridge? Ha ha ha, no way." I tell her rudely, because I couldn't be any nicer.

"Kopelyn, you owe me an apology!"

"How's that going to fix anything? You tell me!" I snap.

Now she stops talking and breaths a frustrated sigh and goes back to the phone. "You shouldn't let people die."

"I don't let people die. Don't be ridiculous. If you could fix your face and body through surgery, you could easily fix your problem." Then I hang up and take a deep sigh.

"Why are you bringing my surgery into this?"

"Because Houston wrote about your surgery in his diary all the time. Apparently the only thing you guys ever talk about is how great it is to have a perfect face and spend money on that. There are people in this world who actually need the hospital for good reasons.

"Really? Like what?" She snaps.

"People with babies in their stomachs!"

"You still haven't apologized for ruining my life, Kopelyn. I'm not ending the call intill you do that!"

"God, why are you so emotional?" Was the last thing that I said before I hung up.

"Hey!" Leo calls from downstairs, "Who's on the phone?"

"It's Elleanor Raines."

"Who's that, again?"

"The lady that Houston cheated on me with. Honestly, that nightmare fuel of an individual can't stand anyone who actually makes sense." I tell him hastily, "So, how was your day?" I change the topic lightly, faking a smile, as I've been doing too much.

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