"Just my familiar's sense of humor." Harry easily replied before turning to Mr Weasley. "Now, Mr Weasley, let's catch you up on so you can fully understand what an idiot your son is."

"Harry," Arthur began. "I don't..."

"Ah," Harry cut him off. "I don't recall permitting you to address me by my first name. Are you perhaps the reason why your son cares so little for the correct social behavior?"

"I'm sorry," Arthur bowed his head slightly. "Mr Potter, I..."

"Lord Potter," Harry cut him off once more. "because that is who you are talking to right now. Lord- royally pissed off - Potter." Harry said, while he wasn't officially allowed to participate on the Wizengamot due to his age, he was still allowed to be addressed as Lord Potter outside of official Wizengamot meetings since he was pretty much Lord Potter, anything he wanted to do as Lord Potter in the Wizengamot could be done through Andromeda who was his regent. He was also the last member of the Potter family. If his father was alive then he would of course be Heir Potter, but since he is not Harry automatically becomes Lord Potter.

"Lord Potter," Arthur corrected. "I don't understand what my son has done to deserve such appalling..."

"Mr Weasley," Harry interrupted, if Mr Weasley was 'Lord Weasley' then Harry would of addressed him as such but seeing as he wasn't since his house wasn't a noble one, Harry could settle with Mr Weasley. "I promise you that if I wanted to truly harm your son then after a minute I would be able to fit what was left of him into a matchbox. What you're seeing is the result of extreme anger narrowly beating out solid control." He said, his eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"Mr Potter," Snape drawled. "our time is quite valuable, cease with the dramatics."

"Tell me, Professor, is there such a thing as 'hypocrisy' in the wizarding world?" Harry innocently asked, Snape's face turned red with anger and he was about to respond but Harry continued talking before he could. "If this is boring you then I am sure you can leave and be caught up later." Harry added before turning to Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore. "I respect you both and ask that you remember that this is now business between House Potter and House Weasley.

You may not approve of my words or actions but you cannot interfere. You may stay if you wish but if you believe that you cannot stay out of the way then please leave." Harry said before he turned back to Professor Snape. "As for you Professor, if you don't want to leave then I might I suggest that you stay silent and copy the other two Professors."

"You arrogant little brat!" Snape growled. "Potter, you are just like your..."

"Enough!" Dumbledore said in a loud but firm voice as he interrupted Snape, causing the potions master to stop his impromptu rant and stare at him with a surprised look on his face. "We will be talking later, Severus." Dumbledore said in a voice that made it clear he would not tolerate any arguments from the sour teacher. Dumbledore turned his head to Mr Weasley and Harry. "My apologies, my teachers and I will not interrupt your conversation with My Weasley. If any of us do then I will place a privacy charm around myself, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, so you may continue your conversation." Dumbledore said as he pulled out his wand.

"Thank you," Harry nodded to Dumbledore before turning to Mr Weasley. "are you aware of the fact that your son can't seem to last a week without annoying me in some way or form. He has spent a lot of his school time spreading stories about me being a 'dark wizard' who would curse anyone who so much as looks at me wrong. He has even tried to attack me before, as I am sure that you know."

"I do know about the attack." Mr Weasley admitted, looking as if it pained him to do so. "But I was unaware of the story spreading, he had of course told us such thing when he was at home but I had no idea that he had been spreading rumors about you at school."

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