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"Der, can you please grab the baby?" Meredith asked him. She had given birth a few months back but she was way too early, that's why the little girl had to spend some time at the NICU but she had been in great hands with Alex

"Getting her." Derek smiled softly at his wife who was getting Grace dressed for their Christmas party

"Can you turn around for me?" Meredith asked Grace and the girl did so. "Space buns for you?"

"Yes mommy! Pretty please!" She giggled

"Let's go for it." Meredith nodded and did Grace's hair

"Mommy, someone's sad that her daddy picked her up." Derek walked inside with little Charlotte

"Oh well mommy needs another pair of hands I'm afraid." Meredith chuckled and finished Grace's hair, then reaching out to hold Charlotte

"I'll make her a bottle." Derek kissed Meredith's head

"Daddy, can I help? I'm a gweat big sister!" Grace giggled

"Perfect, come along." Derek smiled and waited for Grace

"Mommy?" Emma walked in a bit later

"Hey monkey, you look so absolutely beautiful in your dress, do you like wearing it?" Meredith asked her oldest daughter

"Yeah, I like it." Emma smiled and climbed onto the couch next to her mom. "I'm glad Charlie's home."

"I think she's super happy to be with her big sisters, you two have been doing amazing." Meredith placed a kiss on Emma's head

"Hmm.." Emma nodded, letting her head rest on Meredith's shoulder

"Is everything okay honey?" Meredith asked, worried about her daughter

"I don't know." Emma honestly replied

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Meredith turned a bit to face Emma

"Here's her bottle!" Derek smiled

"Would you mind taking her? And taking Gracie?" Meredith asked as she really wanted to talk to her daughter about what she had said

"Of course." Derek frowned but lifted Charlotte in his arms, taking her back to the kitchen where Grace was having a snack

"Come here.." Meredith opened her arms for Emma to crawl in

"I just- I don't know.." Emma started. "I feel a little weird sometimes.. You and daddy have been so busy." Emma told her

"What do you mean with weird?" Meredith asked, starting to stroke Meredith's head

"I don't wanna bother you." She muttered

"You're not bothering me at all. We have our girls date on monday, but you can always come talk to me, always. And it's the same for daddy, he will always answer your questions."

"Thanks mommy." Emma hugged her, holding her tight

"I'm always here for you." Meredith whispered and kept hugging Emma for a while longer

"Nana said she'd bring cookies for Christmas." Emma smiled

"She will bring a ton of them. But dinner will be really good as well. Do you feel a bit better?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna get ready for when Nana and Poppa will be here." She smiled softly

Meredith nodded and watched her daughter walk off, she could still not understand where time went

She quickly got in her wheelchair and wheeled to the kitchen

"Hey, how is it going here?" She asked with a smile

"Momma! Almost time for presents!" Grace giggled and ran off. "Emma!!" They heard her yelling for her big sister

"She's super excited." Derek chuckled and passed Charlotte to Meredith so he could clean everything up. "Is Emmie doing okay?"

"Yeah, I think we just need to spend a little more time with the older kids individually." Meredith nodded as she rocked Charlotte who was trying to grab onto her long blonde hair

"She loves her mommy so much." Derek smiled widely

"Let's tie her against my chest for the evening, that way she's close with us." Meredith said. "Although I'm sure everyone will hold her." Meredith chuckled

"Has she been wheezing last night? I don't want her to catch anything." Derek worried a bit since the little girl's lungs were a little undeveloped during the birth

"A little but then I gave her a tiny bit of extra oxygen for about 20 minutes and she was fine. But she struggled after her bottle, which is always the case." Meredith explained, really grateful for her medical knowledge as she otherwise would have freaked out with a weaker baby and her own disability

"Great. I'll clean this up and wrap her against your chest. I love you." Derek kissed Meredith's lips


A few hours later everyone was now at Meredith and Derek's place. Carolyn, Addison and Derek were busy in the kitchen while Mark was entertaining the kids

"How have you been feeling?" Christopher asked Meredith while he held his granddaughter

"We've been doing great. It has been a big difference to have three kids, but with Charlotte being at home things have settled down."

"I'm so glad for you. All our kids have done such an amazing job." He kissed Charlotte's forehead

"Thanks a lot for always helping us out. I could have never imagined-" Meredith said, on Christmas her thoughts usually drifted off to how she had been raised and how harsh and cold her own mother could be

"You're one of us. Always been and always will be." Christopher reached out for her hand, Meredith had to wipe away a few tears that had escaped her eyes

"Thanks dad.." She nodded

"Here you two are, please help me out with the kids!" Mark laughed, now rocking hisbown daughter Riley against his chest

"What's up, Markie?" Meredith chuckled as her kids ran into her arms

"Well Tommy and Emma were tumbling on the beds while Grace decided to run a fashion show but Riley woke up." Mark laughed

"Okay, I'll go watch their show." Meredith nodded

"I'll place Charlotte down for her nap." Christopher said

"Can you- Can you make sure her oxygen is okay?" Meredith asked, she knows she can trust her father. Out of all people he's probably the most reliable but she couldn't shake off her own worries

"What if you go put her in bed and me and the kids get everything ready to show you their performance?" Christopher suggested, seeing Meredith's worries and completely understanding them

"Thanks dad. Guys, I'll be there as soon as possible." Meredith put Charlotte in the carrier and wheeled off to the little girl's bedroom. They had gone for mint green and Meredith and Derek were completely satisfied with the nursery

Okayyy I have a plan and I wanna hear your thoughts on it.
I feel like this story is getting a bit long but I love it too much to say goodbye. Next chapter will be a timejump (let me know how many years you'd like to see.) and then afterwards I'll start a sequel to show their lives a few years from now.
What do you think???

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