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"We called and reserved a table in the name of Shepherd." Mark said to the waitress

"Of course, come along." She smiled and led them inside. It was narrow but Meredith managed to follow with Emma on her lap

"Sorry, can we remove two chair and get one high chair for the toddler please?" Derek asked and already removed Meredith's chair

"Of course." The waitress smiled and made sure it's clear

"Are you finally gonna tell us what's going on? You guys won't move again, right?" Amelia asked right away

"Never had any patience." Christopher laughed and shook his head, causing the others to chuckle

Kai linked their hand with Amelia's and kissed it

"Mama-" Emma whined a bit in the high chair

"Shh, we're gonna have dinner. Uncle Mark and aunt Addie asked us out." Meredith quietly explained but it wasn't of much use. Emma squirmed in her seat

"Come on-" Meredith lifted her out

"Why? She needs to eat from her own chair." Derek quietly said

"Just for now, Derek." Meredith sighed, she knew her husband was right but she knew her daughter was probably just bored

"We- We're expecting." Addison smiled, looking at Mark

"What?" Carolyn looked at them

"We're pregnant." Addison smiled widely

"Oh guys-" Meredith smiled, placing her hand on Addison's

Everyone stood up, leaving Meredith in her wheelchair with Emma in her lap as they hugged

"I hope you don't mind having a pregnant OB?" Addison joked and hugged Meredith

"Not at all. How far along are you?" Meredith asked

"A little over 4 months.." She sighed. "We were scared to tell you." She admitted

"Because we might give birth around the same time.." Meredith nodded

"Sorry Meredith." She hugged her

"Don't be sorry. This is a good thing." Meredith smiled. "How did you hide your belly?"

"It's not that visible yet. And loser clothes." She winked.

"Congratulations." Meredith hugged the redhead again, finally Mark walking up to her. "Well done, Markie." Meredith chuckled and hugged her brother

"You'll be a niece, Em." Mark tickled the little girl and hugged his sister tight


They were slowly ending dinner. Everyone was talking about some baby stuff while Emma was on Meredith's lap, half asleep after the long day

"Hey, you okay?" Derek asked Meredith as he noticed she was much more quiet than he was used to

"Just- Just thinking." Meredith nodded

"You'll be okay." Derek kissed the side of her head. Their family knowing how heavy this whole lawsuit was on them

"You can't promise that-" Meredith said and felt tears welling up. "Can you take Em? I wanna use the bathroom." She asked and wheeled away as soon as Derek took their daughter in his arms

Derek watched as she wheeled away. He saw she wasn't okay. She was staring down at the floor while heading to the bathroom

"Mom, can you take Emma for a bit?" Derek asked, placing her daughter in his mother's arms

"Of course." Carolyn nodded concerned. "Come here, sweetie."

Derek followed Meredith to the bathroom and spotted her in front of the disabled stall, half sobbing in her chair

"Hey-" He walked up to her, hugging her from behind

"It's too small. I don't fit inside-" She hiccuped

"I'll lift you." He wheeled her back, lifted her out of her chair and placed her on the toilet, letting her cath as he gave her the materials. "Are you okay?" He asked her, stroking her hair as she was busy. He just wanted to comfort her for the time being

"I'm so scared. I wanna lay in bed with you, Emma and our little bean but at the same time I wanna solve all of this. I can't just do nothing. I need to figure out who's responsible! I can't get my license taken. Not after everything." She sternly said

"I know. They'll figure it out. We will." Derek kissed her head as she finished. He pulled her panties up and her dress down. He lifted her to her chair so she could wash her hands and throw the materials away

"I'm happy for Addie and Mark." Meredith muttered quietly, leaning into her husband as she was completely exhausted

"I know. They deserve it. It will be nice that our kids can grow up." Derek rubbed her hair. "You wanna go back and suggest calling it a night?" He asked her

"No. We can stay here a little longer. I'll keep Em on my chest, she can nap." Meredith offered

"Only if you're sure." Derek nodded and they left the bathroom, reuniting with their family

"You doing okay?" Mark asked Meredith, placing his hand over her hand

"I will be." She nodded, taking Emma back from Carolyn's arms, settling her daughter in her lap and adjusting the fabric they use to secure Emma in her lap

They kept chatting along until Derek's phone started ringing

"Sorry, quickly gotta take this." He said and left the room

"Hope he doesn't get called into surgery." Meredith muttered

"No one needs him that urgently. Then they'd call me." Amelia joked

"Only because we have different specialties." Mark interrupted

"You only do boob jobs." Meredith laughed softly, causing the others to chuckle as well

"Mer-" Derek whispered, walking back to her. "They picked a date for court.." He sighed sadly, and everyone went quiet

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