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"Doctor Grey is the one responsible for the blood!" Murphy kept going

"I- I didn't-" Meredith shook her head, confused and angry why Murphy kept lying

"You ordered me to hang it ready in case the family agreed. I left and you must have connected it to the patient." Murphy said as that would mean Meredith would be able to do it

"N-No.." Meredith shook her head

"I am not responsible for the blood." Murphy said

"Why are you doing this?" Meredith looked at Murphy. "What did I ever do wrong?" She felt her breathing quickening, her hands started to shake

"Dr Grey ordered me to collect the blood and hung it up. Then I left." Murphy repeated herself, ignoring Meredith who was about to freak out

"Could we get a break?" Nancy Klein spoke up but it was already too late. Meredith could barely breathe, her hand flew up to her chest as she started to have a panic attack

"Mer?" Derek moved her a bit to face him. "Slow breaths-" He tried

"I didn't-" Meredith tried to keep going. "I didn't give that blood. We have two- two kids-" Meredith shook her head

"I know you didn't." Derek held her hands

"I can't lose my- my license. Or go to p-prison." She hiccups

"You won't. You won't." Derek kissed her forehead as Addison was hurrying to get closer

"Okay, easy Mer. Think about your baby. She needs you to remain calm." Addison said, moving her hands to feel the baby. "Here, feel her." The redhead said gently and moved Meredith's hand to where the little girl was kicking

"You feel her? She's okay. She needs you to remain calm." Derek whispered, he hated seeing his wife so vulnerable because of someone else

"I- I do." Meredith nodded her head a bit

"Okay, now she's doing okay but she needs enough oxygen. So you also need to take deep breaths." Addison rubbed Meredith's back above her injuryline in a try to calm her down

"Der-" She whispered and held her husband's hand as she heard Murphy accusing her even further

"She's doing this for attention!" Murphy said to her lawyer but everyone could hear

"Doctor Grey, are you doing okay? Would you prefer a break?" The judge asked

"Y-Yeah." Meredith only got more overwhelmed as Murphy kept going on

"Her surgical wheelchair even broke! What kind of doctor is she even?! One break and she couldn't operate!"

"Dr Murphy, stop!" The judge raised her voice. "I have decided."

"Mer did operate! And her wheelchair broke intentionally!" Derek scoffed

"Why did you even send a doctor to go get it?!" Murphy kept going

"It was you?" Derek got really angry as she was the reason his wife needed spinal surgery and had such hard recovery

"I said stop!" The judge looked at Murphy

Meredith anxiously panted as they waited for what the judge would say. Her breathing was still shallow but Derek held her tight in his arms while they waited for what the judge would say

"Doctor Leah Murphy is guilty for giving the patient blood instead of plasma which-" The judge started going off the full sentence while Meredith could only smile, her breathing still not back to normal

"I'm not guilty." She whispered

"You're not." Derek hugged her tight and kissed her cheek. His hand found her stomach as they kept sitting down till it was all finished

"Can we go home?" Meredith quietly asked

"Mom and dad suggested dinner, or do you prefer home?" Derek asked her

"Dinner is okay." She nodded her head

"Okay." Derek kissed the side of her head

"So tired." Meredith breathed in her husband's arms

"I know. Do you wanna go home and order out?" He asked, knowing it would be better for her to lay down

"Do the others mind?" Meredith yawned

"I don't think so." Derek shook his head

"Kay.." Meredith muttered and closed her eyes for a second

"Mom?" Derek called out for his mother. "Can we get take out and have it at our house?" He asked, seeing Meredith heavily lean back

"Of course. Take her home and get her in bed." Carolyn told them

"Thanks mom." Derek nodded. "Emmie, you coming with mommy and me?" Derek asked his daughter

"We can take her if you want." Addison offered as the little girl was bouncing around

"Thanks. We'll see you in a bit." Derek said and started to push Meredith outside, kissing her head softly as he was so happy all if this was finally over and hoped they could now fully focus on their kids

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