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"Derek?" Meredith woke up

"Hey. It's your first day back at work." Derek smiled and kissed the top of her nose

"Yeah." She anxiously inhaled. "Yeah.." She slightly nodded

"What's wrong?" Derek asked concerned

"Nothing. I'll just lay down a little longer." She said after checking the time

"I'll make us breakfast while you wake up." Derek kissed her lips and got up

Meredith sighed and moved her hands to her stomach. "Do you think we can do this, little bean?" She asked

Meredith was really doubting herself because of what Murphy had said. Yes she was slow, yes she was unable to stand up if someone needed her and in her pregnancy she couldn't let herself drop to the ground and randomly start CPR

She was just so worried that Murphy was in fact right, even if Meredith had fought so hard to prove everyone wrong and make sure she could do it like she had always done so far.

"Mama?" Emma walked inside, rubbing her eyes

"Hi princess. Are you awake already?" Meredith asked and moved the headrest up by using the buttons

"Yep! I smelled pancakes!" She giggled and climbed next to her mother, her fingers moving iver Meredith's slightly bigger stomach

"I bet you're hungry?" Meredith hugged Emma softly, tucking the girl's blonde hair behind her ears

"Soooo hungwy!" Emma nodded. "Come mommy. We gotta gets the best pancakes! With lots of fwuit!!" Emma chuckled, although her eyes were still semi closed while she held her stuffed bunny clutched tightly against her chest

"You can go, princess. I'll be there soon." Meredith promised

"But I wanna go together.." Emma muttered, not understanding why her mother was gonna stay behind

"Oh bean.." Meredith looked at her beautiful daughter. "I just.. okay.. let's go."

"Yay!" Emma giggled and waited for her mother to get into her wheelchair, then climbing onto her lap and snuggling into her Meredith's warm body

"Let's go find those yummy pancakes." Meredith teased. "And daddy."

Emma chuckled softly at her mother's joke as they make their way through the house to the kitchen

"Pancakes!!" She yelled

"Good morning." Derek laughed and went to hug his daughter.

"Hmm.. Smells absolutely amazing." Meredith smiled and looked towards the food

"Is baby hungry?" He smirked softly

"Not only baby. But I'm eating for two." Meredith chuckled and wheeled up to the table, struggling to help Emma into the high chair because of her growing stomach

"Wait-" Derek helped them out, which only made Meredith's self consciousness grown

"Sorry." Meredith sighed and looked in her lap

"Don't be. I just wanted to help. You're growing our baby already." Derek kissed her neck

"Hmm.." Meredith nodded, still not convinced. Derek got their plates and they digged in right away
"So yummy!" Emma was eating all her pancakes

"I'm really glad you like it." Derek smiled as he ate his granola. "You're coming with us to the hospital. We can have lunch together, then mommy will take you home."

"Good!" Emma giggled, her mouth full of syrup

"Someone's excited." Derek smiled, noticing his wife was a little quiet

"Yeah." Meredith smiled and watched Emma drink her milk

"It will be okay." Derek grabbed Meredith's hand and kissed it softly

Im sorry for the short update but I really need ideas.

Second, i really need to say this because i'm struggling with several things and im currently working, PT, doctor appointments,.. but please stop asking when I'll update next. I really don't know. I write when I can and when I want. So please leave ideas to trigger me back to writing but asking when i'll update next if its only been 1-2 days than please know its working very demotivating


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