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"Are you ready?" Derek asked as he put on Meredith's shoes

"I don't know." She whispered as it was the day the trial would start

"They have evidence it isn't you." He kissed her forehead

"But Murphy keeps denying." Meredith reminded them of the reality

"Oh-" Derek chuckled and grabbed Meredith's hand, leading it to her stomach. "Think little bean agrees with me." He smiled as her stomach had gotten bigger and the baby's kicks were really noticeable

"At least she does have working legs." Meredith sighed, looking really saw at her wheelchair. Today was really a day she struggled with herself and her reality

"Hey-" Derek kissed her lips. "You are perfect. Hopefully tonight this is all over and we can just go back to being us and enjoying this pregnancy to the fullest." Derek kissed Meredith again.

"Is Emmie ready?" Meredith asked as she fixed her legs, her gray dress fitting her perfectly and showed off her bump a little

"Almost. Just need to put her shoes on. Do you wanna help?" He asked her

"Yeah, I'll go." She nodded her head and wheeled over to Emma's room where she was playing with her dolls

"Mama!" The blonde girl giggled as she spotted her mother

"Hi monkey. You look so pretty." Meredith smiled as she wore a pink dress

"I pwetty!" Emma turned around in circles

"You're always pretty. Can I help you with your shoes, little bean?" Meredith asked

"Daddy puts them hewre!" Emma grabbed the shoes and gave them to her mom

"Thanks monkey. Now sit down on the bed, please." She asked and put Emma's shoes on

"Thank you!" Emma giggled and skipped off

Meredith was awfully nervous for the trial. She tried to remind herself to be calm for the baby that's growing inside of her but it's hard, really hard

"Mer?" Derek walked inside, concerned as Emma was in the living room but Meredith was nowhere to be seen

"Coming." Meredith sighed and started to wheel to the living room. She quickly grabbed her purse and started to hesitate. "Come here, bean." She wanted Emma close. Derek placed his hand on Meredith's shoulder for some emotional support

"Are you ready to leave?" Derek asked her and she nodded her head. They left the house and made their way into the car and drove off. Meredith had plugged in a catheter because stress combined with the pregnancy she was scared of having an accident

"Em-" Meredith reached out for her daughter once she got out of the car

"Mama!" The girl giggled and climbed up Meredith's lap

"Okay girls. Ready?" He asked them although it was mainly to check on Meredith

"Just- One minute." Meredith said, hugging her daughter tight

"Of course." Derek kissed her head. He saw his parents looking over at them. Even Alex was here already

"Let's go." She quietly muttered and started pushing herself, wanting to feel independent more than ever

"Wanna go see mom and dad first?" Derek asked and saw Addison and Mark joining his parents

"Sure." Meredith shrugged, she was a shadow of her usual self

"Hey sweetie." Christopher hugged her first, then his granddaughter, followed by the others

"How's your little princess?" Addison asked with a gentle smile, her own stomach starting to show really well

"Great. And your bean?" Derek asked

"Been kicking like crazy. Addie has been feeling him all night." Mark chuckled and kept a protective hand on the small of his wife's back

"He's very energetic. Wonder who he got that from." Addison joked but Meredith wssn't listening. She was terrified. It involved so many people which was loud and busy and exhausting.

Emma was looking around, squirming a bit as she was really overwhelmed

"Mama, who's that?" She pointed at a group of doctors from the hospital

"Some co-workers." Meredith said confused, not sure why they came here in the first place as she was never close with them. She also spotted a few nurses she knew as she needed them more than an able bodied doctor so she always tried to be respectful. She waved at them but then returned back to Emma, and placing a free hand on her stomach to feel the little baby inside her

Sorry short chap. I feel shit and dunno when i'll write more. I'm trying

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