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"Derek.. I'm really hurting.." Meredith had been complaining about her back the past days. But now she woke up from a nap, coughing a bit

"Are you still coughing?" Derek worried

"Just cold." Meredith muttered

"Mer, we're so close to the fireplace." Derek frowned. He had placed the couch a bit closer as Meredith took her nap

But then she started sneezing

"You're getting sick?" Derek felt something was up and decided to check if she had a fever. "You're burning up!" He immediately grabbed his phone to call Addison. The first two times it didn't work, probably because so many people were trying to call

"Derek?" Addison picked up

"Addie- Mer has a fever. Not horrible but- Her pregnany- and- and she's been feeling bad, her body has so many issues with the temperature!" Derek was almost hysterical as Meredith started coughing

"Okay Derek, slow down. Meredith has a fever? How bad?" She asked

"100.." Derek muttered

"Okay that's not great, give her some tylenol and take a bath together. Not ice cold, but colder than her body now." Addison instructed

Derek knew what to do but with her being pregnant and them being stuck in their dreamhouse away from the hospital worried him

"You have her nebulizer, right? Let her do a breathing treatment, to make sure it's not something that will attack her lungs." Addison told him

Derek quickly grabbed the meds and helped her swallow them. He then lifted her up to bring her to the tub, hoping to bring her fever down slightly, just enough to make sure it wouldn't be dangerous for her or the baby

"No-" Meredith protested as he climbed into the bathtub with her

"Yes Meredith. We need to do this." He told her. "Addie, I'll call you back later." He said and held Meredith in his arms as she was shivering, luckily Emma was still asleep

"Cold-" Meredith whimpered

"I know it's cold. But you have a fever." He kissed her head gently, brushing his fingers through her hair

"Wanna go to sleep." She kept shaking in his arms, she felt like she was freezing cold

"Close your eyes. I'll keep you here a little bit longer, just to make sure." Derek kissed her head again, feeling almost useless


Later that day Meredith was once again nebulizing. He had dressed her into her favorite pjs to keep her warm but to prevent her from overheating. He was covering her with a blanket and held her in his arms. She still had a fever but it wasn't high.

But what concerned him was how she was coughing and kept shivering

"Can I get you a hot choco and something to eat?" Derek tried

"Not hungry." Meredith muttered through the mask

"I know you're not, but you need to eat and drink. Think about our little bean." Derek stroke his hand over Meredith's belly

"Tired.." Meredith weakly muttered

Derek sighed and held her as she started coughing, slightly helping her as her paralysis affected her stomach muscles

"Mama, can you pway with me?" Emma walked towards them, covered in warm pjs

"Sorry monkey, mommy is a bit busy now. Why don't we read a book together?" Derek proposed

"Wanna pway with my dolls.." She said disappointed

"Honey.. I'll play with you in a bit, I promise.." Derek said

"Play with her." Meredith insisted while she was laying curled up in Derek's arms and tried to scoot off, but too weak and exhausted to move her limp lower body

"Not yet, Mer. I need to call Addie. We need to be careful, you're pregnant. Your body temperature is completely messed up-" Derek worried

Mommy kay?" Emma frowned, her lower lip starting to tremble

"I'm fine." Meredith nodded with a hoarse voice

"I'm sorry, bean." Derek pulled his daughter close and held her tight as he tried to look as if everything was okay but he couldn't let go of the worries inside of him about Meredith and their unborn child

"I miss nana and poppa." Emma muttered

"I know sweetie. It's a bit boring here, but why don't we watch a movie together in bed? How does that sound? With hot choco?" Derek suggested, hoping it would get Meredith to drink something

"Yes!!" Emma smiled widely and started collecting her stuffed animals that were spread around the living room

"Go to the bed, bring all you want. I'll make hot choco while mommy finishes her treatment." Derek said so he could keep an eye on Meredith as she was laying on the couch

A little while later he had carried her to bed, seeing she was so weak and probably wouldn't have been able to push herself to their bedroom. He didn't want her to suffer so he got her installed and handed her the hot choco. She took some sips but ditched it again

"Please try again." Derek whispered

"Later." Meredith muttered and cuddled deeper into Derek's strong and warm arms, her teeth clattering as she was so cold despite it being warm enough with all the layers she was wearing

"Mama, let's watch Fwozen! With Olaf!" The little girl chuckled and Derek started the movie, watching as his daughter jumped up and down in excitement

Any ideas?

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