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Derek had been awake a few hours. He had gotten Emma breakfast in bed, not wanting to leave Meredith on her own as she was wheezing

"Addie- I'm really scared." Derek admitted

"We alerted the firefighters, but Derek.. I'm not sure when they can reach your house. It's really insane." Addison sighed

"I know. God, sometimes I hate this house." He sighed

"Daddy-" Emma tucked at his hand

"Wait Emmie. Addie, I'll keep monitoring her. I'm just really struggling with her body temperature." He admitted.

"Her body temperature is something you're used to, Derek. Remain calm and try to keep her warm but avoid fevers." Addison reminded him

"Daddy-" Emma whined

"And make sure she's eating and drinking for the baby. She needs to keep growing, she's already too small.. Don't hesitate if an NG tube is needed..." Addison sighed

"Yeah.." Derek sighed, feeling his daughter tuck at his hand again. "Addie, I'll have to go. Bye bye, tell the others we said hi." He said and hung up

"Daddy, I wanna pway." Emma muttered

"I know sweetheart. Can we watch a movie? Or can you bring your toys to our room?" Derek asked

"But I wanna pway on the swing!" She whined

"Sweetie.. There's a snow storm. We really need to stay inside." Derek lifted her into his arms and walked up to the window, showing her how everything was covered in snow

"But I wanna make a snowman!" She whispered

"I know, once the storm is gone we can. I promise." He said and heard Meredith coughing violently so he ran inside their bedroom. "Emmie, grab your toys." He instructed her and helped Meredith sut uo to cough

"S-Sorry-" Meredith wheezed

"Shh, are you feeling better?" He rubbed circles on her back

"Feel like shit." She muttered in his arms

"Oh Mer.." He sighed, cuddling her close

"Mama kay?" Emma was really not herself

"Of course, sweetheart." Derek nodded


They went through the next few days with many issues. Meredith was feeling horrible and barely ate

"Mer, I'll have to give you a feeding tube if you can't get yourself to eat." Derek muttered, stroking her cold cheek

"Don't want to." Meredith muttered

"I have to. You're pregnant." Derek brushed her hair out of her face

"Kay.." She agreed, her hand weakly on her stomach, wanting to feel her daughter kick

"I'll get everything ready and I'll put Em down for a nap." Derek kissed her lips

He returned a little later and tried to place the NG tube as quick as possible, causing Meredith to cough a bit afterwards.

"It's over, I'll start your feeding. Do you wanna take a nap? Or maybe cuddle a bit?" He suggested as he really didn't know what to do anymore

"You should spend some time with Em.." Meredith whispered weakly

"I will. But we can sit here if you want?" Derek didn't wanna leave her

"You've been spending so much time here already.." She weakly teared up, hating how much this affected her family

"We just wanna be with you." He kissed her forehead. "I'll leave the door open so you can yell if there's anything." He started to tuck her in, making sure she'd remain warm, luckily her fevers were gone so he wouldn't have to worry about that

"Daddy!" Emma smiled widely as she spotted him

"Hi monkey, do you wanna play hide and seek with me?" Derek asked her

"Yes!" Emma giggled and started jumping up and down in excitement, still dressed in warm pjs

"I'll start counting." He winked and they started their game

Emma ran immediately to her parents' room, hiding underneath Meredith's blankets, cuddling close into her mother's body

Meredith was unaware, she was sound asleep as the feeding was being pumped into her body

"2- 1-" Derek finished counting down. "I'll come find you!" He announced and started looking everywhere. He started in Emma's room and playroom, moving to the kitchen and Living room only to end in the bathrooms and not being able to find her. "Emmie?" He called out for her and looked in the spare bedroom where he still hadn't found her

He started to worry a bit, would she be with Meredith and possibly keep her up?

He decided to go take a look. He looked into the closet when he suddenly saw Meredith's blanket slip off, causing her to shiver even more.

"Em?" He lifted the blanket and saw his daughter

"Daddy!" Emma loudly giggled

"Hmm..." Meredith stirred, causing her back to be uncovered asbher shirt moved up

"Damn- Mer-" He stopped her as he saw a pressure sore starting to appear, quickly turning her onto her stomach, confusing both Meredith and Emma

"What's wrong?" Meredith muttered, wrapping her arm around her daughter

"You have a pressure sore from laying down." Derek started inspecting it. "I'll grab some gloves and I'll take good care of it." He promised her

"Is it bad?" She asked him, feeling Emma trembling in her arms as she was scared

"No. It's okay." Derek tried to assure them both. He quickly cleaned the wound and made sure she wouldn't continue laying on it

"I don't like it. I'm scawred." Emma whimpered in her mother's arms

"Nothing to be scared off." Meredith tried to comfort her daughter but Derek couldn't stand this any longer. He needed to do something

He walked off and decided to call Richard. He needed someone to get them out of here.

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