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"Mer.. Can I now finally page Amy?" Derek worried

"Hmm.." The blonde nodded her head. She closed her eyes as Derek paged Amy to the on-call room they were in.

"She'll probably wanna take some scans." Derek explained, still stroking her hair

It took a couple of minutes when Amelia entered

"Hi, is everything okay? It's been a hectic morning." She said, not understanding why she had to come here

"Mer is complaining about back pain. We don't have her spinal brace here but she can't even fall asleep and I had to push her." Derek told her, still sitting at her head

"Did you do anything that triggered this pain?" Amelia asked. "Can you turn on your stomach?"

"I operated from my chair-" Meredith groaned as she tried to move her arms but that was already too much effort

"Can Derek and I roll you over?" Amelia asked, Meredith nodded in response

"This chair. Not her surgical chair. The backrest broke." Derek told his sister

"How did that happen?" Amelia frowned, Derek shrugging his shoulders

"Stop-" Meredith groaned as they touched her.

"Mer, where exactly is the pain?" Amelia asked

"Starts at my injury level but it's spreading. It's radiating to my neck and arms." Meredith explained. She wanted to show but it hurt too much

"Okay. I think we should get scans right away. I'll bring you to CT." Amelia nodded. She headed in the hallway and got a stretcher

"Can I lift you carefully?" Derek asked Meredith

"We'll grab a spinal board." Amelia told him. "Just to be safe."

Derek nodded but it scared him. His sister clearly suspected it was anything wil her spine or the rods and screws keeping everything together. "I'll grab it."

"It will be okay. Once we know what's going on we can give you something stronger." Amelia tried to ease Meredith. "Just remain still, okay?"

Meredith now also knew. The fact Amelia wanted to keep her as still as possible could mean something was very wrong. "Amy-" She teared up

"Easy Mer. We got you." Amelia brushed some hairs out of Meredith's face

"It really hurts." Meredith whimpered before Derek came running inside

"Let me guide her onto it." Amelia said and took the lead. They slipped the board underneath Meredith who started sobbing in pain because of the discomfort

They couldn't sedate her before they knew the extend of what was going on

"Shh it will be over soon." Derek said

"3. 2. 1." Amelia counted down and they lifted her onto the stretcher in the hallway

"What has happened?" Mark walked towards them, only then seeing it's Meredith. "What the fuck?"

"It's okay." Meredith tried to convince him. Even when she wasn't okay she'd still make sure no one else would worry.

"She operated from her chair and now she's in terrible pain. We're bringing her to CT." Derek informed Mark, then looking at Meredith. "Do you want mom and dad to come?" He asked

"No, they don't need to worry about me." Meredith said sternly

"Mer, they just care about you." Derek sighed

"Let's take those scans first, then we'll see." Mark told them and helped to wheel Meredith to CT. They then lifted her onto the scanner and Derek stayed closeby

"Glad we already had the egg retrieval." Meredith tried to joke

"I love you." Derek chuckled a bit, but that quickly turned into concern

They looked at each other in pure fear and anxiety, scared for what could possibly come

It felt like hours and hours went by even if it maybe took them 5 minutes. Mark came into the room while Amelia waited for the pictures to show up, both men moved Meredith from the scanner to the stretcher

"Can this come off?" She meant the board that kept her back and head straight

"Not yet. The images were still loading." Mark said and they waited for Amy

"Sorry Mer. I'm gonna let them bring you to a room where you can rest and we can discuss everything. Der, do you have her brace in your car?" She asked

"N-No. It's at home." Derek frowned

"I'll call mom and dad, they can pick it up." Mark said, internally worrying sick about Meredith

"Amelia, what is wrong?" Meredith asked sternly

"I'll explain in a bit. I need to check those scans better."

"What. Is. Going. On?" Meredith repeated herself, raising her voice even if they all heard she was about to start crying

"Seems like some metal rods broke.." Amelia sighed. "I swear I'll come when I took a better look at it."

"She said some.." Meredith looked into Derek's eyes, completely terrified

"Maybe it's not as bad as we think." Derek kissed her forehead, trying to remain strong for Meredith

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