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"Meredith, your rods and screws.. it's a complete mess." Amelia sighed. Meredith was now laying in her own spinal brace in the hospital bed, completely frightened by Amelia's words

"Amy, can you explain?" Christopher asked

Meredith was horrified for what was gonna come, she didn't even feel Derek tightening his grip

The loose metal plates are pushing your spine against your spinal cord. I'll need to operate and fuze everything back together." Amelia said, unable to hide the sadness she felt inside of her

"When?" Meredith asked bluntly, feeling everyone's hands touching her which made her anxious. She felt her breath quickening, her gaze got blank

"Mer, breathe." Derek ordered her. "Meredith?"

But Meredith felt her chest so heavy she really struggled to breathe, it was clear that a panic attack was about to start

"Shh, honey. Things will be okay. We will help you." Carolyn rubbed small circles on Meredith's upper arm

Meredith had no clue how much time had passed but she felt an oxygen mask strapped around her head and saw everyone looking at her in concern while she felt completely drained

"When will you do the surgery?" Derek asked, his thumb rubbing over Meredith's tear stained cheek

"Preferable tomorrow." Amelia said. "Addie's bringing Emma over, you need to stay sober and i'll get some sleep." Amelia suggested, Meredith nodding her head gently. "I'm sorry, Mer. I would do it differently if I could." Amelia said

"I know, Amy." Meredith softly smiled at her, unable to keep her tears at bay until they heard Emma's voice

"We'll give you some time together." Christopher was the first to say

"Oh Mer. Sorry." Addison quickly hugged her best friend

"Sorry." Meredith whispered and saw them all leaving the door, Derek lifted Emma in his arms

"Mommy! Cuddle!" Emma wanted to reach out

"Monkey.. we need to have a chat. A chat that's very important for what's about to come." Derek started

Meredith was unable to keep her tears from flooding, she felt so responsible for the hard times that were around the corner

"You know that before you got born mommy was in an accident, right?" Derek started the talk, still holding onto Meredith's hand

"Yes! Mommy had acciden- and now mommy has wheels!" Emma started telling proudly

"Very right." Meredith nodded, trying to stop her tears from coming

"Well mommy had rods that kept everything together but now they broke, so auntie Amy needs to put in new ones

"Why?" Emma frowned like any other kid would

"Because.." Derek started but didn't really know how to tell the little girl

"Because my back would bend too much." Meredith immediately started helping him out with explaining all these things to their daughter

"Otay." Emma nodded. "Can we cuddle?"

"Oh.." Meredith gasped. "Daddy can put you down with a pillow." Meredith nodded

Derek placed a pillow against Meredith's side and placed Emma down. "Just very very careful" he instructed

"Mama! You're weawring the bwace!" Emma said, stroking her hand over the hard material

"I am, monkey." Meredith nodded. "But that doesn't hold us from cuddling, right?" She stroke her hand over Emma's hair

"Nevewwww!" Emma giggled and hugged her mom


The next morning Meredith was brought to the OR. The surgery took quite a while as Amelia had a lot of work, Derek sitting in the gallery, even if Carolyn tried to talk him out of it

"No, I was here during all her surgeries." He insisted

So that was what they did. Mark and Christopher stayed with him while Carolyn and Addison took care of Emma, the little girl very worried as she noticed everyone being tensed

"Derek, I'm wrapping up. Mark get down to stitch ger up. Get a shower, Derek and then you can go see her." Amelia said sternly

"Thanks Amy. Thank you so much." Derek said, really grateful as the surgery had gone well, except for something that might affect Meredith more than they suspect..

"I'll go update Addie and your mom. You did a good job, Amy." Christopher smiled proudly

Everyone went on and on, eventually all waiting in Meredith's hospital room for her to wake up. Christopher stood up, checking Meredith's chart once again

"Dad, I'm sitting here, no one will have changed a thing." Amelia said

"I know." He muttered when suddenly Derek felt Meredith move her fingers

"Mer? Oh Meredith-" He teared up

"Mama?" Emma whispered half asleep as she was asleep on Addison's lap

"Go on sleeping, princess." The redhead eased the little girl

"Hmm.." Meredith winced in discomfort

"Amy, she needs more meds!" Derek worried over his wife

"I noticed." Amelia rolled her eyes but understood her brother. If this would be Kai laying in this bed she'd be worried about them as well

"Amy is getting you some meds. The surgery is okay, you have your brace on to keep your back stable, but we had to add the neck part. Just to be safe. We'll remove it soon." He told her, even if she probably won't really remember much of it

A minute later Amelia entered the room with more pain meds and injected them into Meredith's IV

"It will be an adjustment. I know she'll be upset, but it's for the best." Amelia said, hoping her sister would adjust soon

"Amy, you had to fuse her spine higher. She doesn't lose feeling." Carolyn said

"No but she won't be able to twist and bend like before. It's all screwed together up to her armpits. But she'll suffer less back pain once she fully recovers." Christopher hugged his daughter, knowing she had a hard time doing surgery on Meredith

Thanks for all the ideas! <3 maja and lindsey in particular!!!

Im kinda struggling with some stuff so i'm between updating a lot and struggling to keep writing but i'm doing my best and im starting now on my new chapter!

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