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"Der-" Meredith weakly groaned as she woke up, feeling absolutely horrible

"Hmm.." Derek woke up and turned around. "Are you okay?" He frowned

"I need to throw up-" Meredith groaned so Derek quickly got up and lifted her to the toilet where she started throwing up

"Shh, it's okay." He softly rubbed circles on her back, feeling horrible for his wife

Meredith groaned in between throwing up, she felt absolutely horrible

"Do you have another stomach bug?" Derek frowned as Meredith had been sick a few weeks ago

"Dunno." She muttered exhausted

"Let me clean you up and I'll bring you back to bed." Derek said

Meredith groaned and clutched her stomach as Derek placed her in the shower and cleaned her up, dressing her in new pjs as she had been sweating extremely

"Derek- My stomach-" She groaned again

"Shh, I'll get you to bed." Derek said and carried her to the bed, giving her the body pillow. "I'm gonna grab a bucket in case you get sick and then I'll make you some ginger tea." He kissed her forehead softly

"Hmm.." Meredith curled up around the pillow, trying to catch some more sleep

When Derek returned he saw she had fallen asleep and decided to let her sleep, kissing her head and tucking her un

"Daddy!" Grace came running inside

"Shhh!!" He quickly lifted her up and walked out of the room

"Why do I need to be quiet?" She asked confused

"Because mommy is sick and we need to let her sleep. Let's go, we'll make breakfast for mommy and sissy." Derek said and carried her to the kitchen

"Daddy, are you gonna make pancakes?" Grace gasped

"If you want, princess." Derek nodded and got the dough ready

"Daddy? Mommy?" Emma walked inside after she heard noise from the kitchen

"Hey monkey. Mommy is still asleep, we're making breakfast for her." Derek told his oldest daughter

"Can I lay down with mommy?" Emma asked tiredly, clutching onto her stuffed bunny she had been sleeping with ever since she was born

"Of course, but don't wake her and come get me if you need me." Derek said

"Daddy! I want chocolate on my pancakes! And syrup!" Grace giggled

"I think you'll have to make a choice, honey. And add some extra fruit." Derek winked

A while later he got all the food on a tray and followed Grace to his and Meredith's bedroom, chuckling as he saw Emma asleep in Meredith's arms

"Gracie, wake them gently, please." Derek ordered and placed the tray on the nightstand, getting the tea and orange juice ready for them

"Mama! Emmie!" Grace squealed

"Hmm.." Meredith groaned weakly

"Shh, how are you feeling?" Derek softly whispered as Emma rubbed her heavy eyes

"Tired.." She groaned and attempted to sit up

"Wait, I'll raise the head of your bed." Derek said and did so, tucking the blanket around her to make sure she'd stay warm

"My stomach hurts." She groaned, sweating still

"Here, got you some tea and made you a bowl of fresh fruit." Derek passed it to her

"I'm hungry!!" Grace jumped up and down

"Here honey, sit down and I'll place the tray down for you." Derek said and handed her the pancakes, making sure she couldn't make the bed dirty

"Can I have pancakes too? And fruit?" Emma asked

"Of course, princess. You can have all you want." Derek said softly, placing everything ready for his daughter

Meanwhile the family started eating, Meredith almost had to throw up as she tried to eat something so she settled for her tea and rested in the meantime


A few hours later Meredith was slowly wheeling around the house in panic

"Hey, what's wrong?" Derek frowned as he saw her behavior

"Where are the girls?" She asked terrified

"Uhhh.. They are playing outside, why?" Derek started to get really worried

"I- I realise I haven't gotten my period- Derek-" Meredith whimpered

"You- You think?" Derek gasped, not believing what his wife was saying

"I don't know-" Meredith started sobbing. "I don't know!"

"Hey-" Derek held her tight in his arms. "I'll run to the pharmacy, I'll get a test and we'll see, okay?" Derek asked her

"O-Okay." Meredith hiccuped, absolutely terrified of the results

"Just wait here, relax. I will be back as soon as possible." Derek kissed her lips and ran out of the house

Meredith kept staring ahead of her, she couldn't imagine having another baby, it would probably mean she would have less attention and less time for Emma and Grace and she didn't know if it was a great idea to have another pregnancy going on

She felt sick again and hurried to the bathroom, once again she threw up but getting disturbed eventually

"Mommy, are you okay?" Emma frowned as she heard her mom and wanted to check on her

"Hmm.." Meredith weakly nodded, pushing heavily on her weak arms as she had issues to keep herself up

"Where's daddy?" Emma asked, pretty scared

"Daddy-" Meredith started but continued throwing up. "Daddy's on the way." She nodded weakly. "It's okay, honey."

"Can I grab you anything?"

"No honey, it's okay." Meredith assured her when they heard Derek entering again

"It's okay monkey, I'll help mommy out, why don't you go play a bit? We'll come find you soon." Derek assured Emma and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her

"We need to do the test now. I got my catheter ready." Meredith weakly pointed to the one she had put ready

"I'll do it quickly." Derek nodded and helped her out, he finished the test and placed it down, they had to wait five minutes so they waited anxiously as Meredith got dressed again

"Derek- We can't have a baby. We really can't-" Meredith shook her head

"We'll deal with it. We'll see in a bit." Derek stroke his fingers through his hair to compose her

"I'm so scared.." She whispered sadly

"I know." Derek muttered and they held each other as they waited five minutes

"It's time.." Meredith muttered

"I'll grab it." Derek said but Meredith held tightly onto his hand, not daring to let go

"What's it saying?" Meredith said but Derek didn't look yet.

"Let's check together." Derek said and turned around when Meredith could see

"Oh my god-" Meredith gasped


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