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It had been a couple of rough weeks from the Grey-Shepherd family. Meredith was going insane because they decided she'd stay home until after her first IVF try. Just to make sure all would go okay.

And that had finally happened. Two weeks ago Addison had started the IVF and they were now waiting until they'd finally be able to test and see if Meredith was pregnant

But today was the first day she'd return to work. For now mainly consults and short time surgeries

"Grey!" Mark smiled as he saw her wheeling inside in her scrubs

"It's so good to be back." She smiled widely as it's been almost two months since she's been working

"It's great to see you here again. I'm so glad to see you." Mark smiled

"Oh hush. You sound like you really missed me." Meredith joked

"I did. Shep's been annoying." Mark rolled his eyes as a joke. "Where are you heading?" He asked

"First to my hubby." Meredith laughed widely and wheeled off to her husband's office and knocking on the door

"Come in." She heard but decided to tease him. "Come in!" She heard him raising his voice. She giggled and wheeled inside

"Sorry." She laughed and wheeled up to him. Derek kissed her lips softly and smiled

"Glad to see you back." He smiled but they got disturbed by his pager going off. "Will we meet for lunch?" He asked her

"Yes. Page me." She smiled and watched him run off. She then made her way over to her own office

"Doctor Grey? We need you-" A nurse said. Meredith quickly followed her to the ER

"This patient is critical, he needs blood but his family refuses." Murphy said as she was assigned because of the head trauma, together with Derek

"We can't give him blood. His family refused. We need to respect their choice. Give him plasma and everything he needs. Except real blood." Derek ordered

"His stomach is hard. I need to get in." Meredith said, feeling how hard his stomach was

"I need to place a shunt as well. To relieve the pressure." Derek said. "You doing it?" He asked his wife

"Yes. We'll need OR 3." Meredith nodded and wheeled alongside his bed as they brought him upstairs


A whole lot later Meredith was sitting next to the patient's bed, hoping the plasma they had given him would work

"Doctor Grey?" Murphy walked inside

"Yes Murphy?" Meredith looked up at the resident

"Dr Shepherd asked me to check on our patient." She told Meredith

"Go ahead. I just updated his chart." Meredith nodded and wheeled out as a nurse entered she started to empty his catheter bag which reminded Meredith she'd have to do the same.

So she went to the restroom, did her thing and then wheeled into Derek

"Hey handsome." She smiled tiredly

"Hey. What do you think? One last check up before we head home?" Derek asked her

"Yeah that sounds very good to me. I'm just very tired." She chuckled. "I'm glad Em and Addie had lunch earlier since we were stuck in surgery." Meredith yawned

"Let's go inside." Derek said. He quickly checked the shunt while Meredith was doing the rest as she was the official doctor on this case. "Everything looks okay to me." Derek said

"No sign of infection, looks okay." Meredith examined his stomach, leaning a bit forward in her wheelchair. "D-Derek?" She spotted a bag of blood and immediately unhooked it

"What? Who hung it there?" Derek asked in shock

"I-I didn't- I ordered plasma. No blood." Meredith looked at him in fear

"I'm paging Bailey and Richard." Derek said sternly, not knowing what to do now

"Der- I- I-" Meredith stuttered

Derek and Meredith waited in silence until Richard and Bailey entered the room

"What's wrong?" Richard asked since he was paged 911

"This." Meredith shows the IV bag that was half empty, filled with blood

"This patient is a Jehovah witness." Derek added

"Who the hell did that?" Bailey asked

"I don't know. I ordered plasma. I gave him the plasma. I didn't give blood." Meredith shook her head

"Of course you didn't." Derek rubbed her back

"Maybe you should wait in my office. I'll have to inform the board." Richard sighed

"The b-board?" Meredith frowned, her hands slightly shaking.

"We need to find out what had happened

Derek nodded and started pushing Meredith to Richard's office

"I can't find anything in his chart. No one ordered blood for him." Meredith said as she had been checking on the tablet

"Then they need to check with the labo. See who went to get blood there." Derek stated

"Can't be that hard. Just need to run it through the database who signed in and out." Meredith nodded

They did their best to find out as much as possible while waiting for further orders from Richard

Eventually after a long while he entered his office

"Meredith.." He sighed, followed by a some people they didn't recognize

"Doctor Grey, Doctor Shepherd. We need to talk." The woman spoke up

Late update, sorry!! Been struggling with my health again. Also sorry if this isnt 100# accurate...

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