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Meredith and Derek visited Seattle with their one year old and it made Meredith realize how hard things are in a house that isn't completely adapted to her needs

"Em-" Meredith wheeled after her daughter who was crawling around Derek's old room that they had renovated. They had also added the guest room to make one large room so Mer could wheel around. But everything else in the house wasn't ideal, especially not with a young child

Meredith reached out for her daughter, careful to not tip over as she lifted the girl onto her lap

"Please Emma, please sit still." Meredith almost begged as she tried to wheel out of the room

But of course the little girl was just squirming around in her lap

"Yes I know. We're going to find daddy. Yes." Meredith said a bit annoyed as it kept adding to her back pain

Meredith wheeled into the hallway, frowning as she didn't hear a thing. Usually the house was always loud. She wheeled into the living room but there was no one. She looked outside and still saw no one. But then she heard it. Footsteps upstairs

"Seems like we'll have to wait a little longer, monkey." Meredith wheeled up to the crib and placed Emma into it. The little girl immediately reached out for some of the toys. "I'm sorry princess, I'm sorry." She stroke her fingers over Emma's blonde curls

"Hey. Why didn't you call out?" Derek frowned as he suddenly walked into the room

"Didn't wanna disturb you." Meredith muttered, not looking away from Emma as she had a hard time with her disability

"You never do." Derek walked up behind her, hugging her from behind and kissing her head

"Say hi to daddy." Meredith whispered

"Papapapa!" Emma muttered

"Can you watch her? I was gonna take a nap." Meredith said and started to wheel off

"Hey, is everything okay?" Derek frowned

"Fine." Meredith shrugged

"Mer-" Derek wanted to stop her

End of flashback

"Mer.. Talk to me please." Derek begged

"Derek, please just leave me!" Meredith asked, not in the mood for this

"Come on, Mer. We're going. We need to meet up with Addison and Mark. I don't know either." Derek followed her

"Can you get Emma ready, please?" Meredith asked

"Sure I can." Derek nodded a bit concerned but went to wake up Emma in her bedroom while Meredith disappeared into their own

Derek had gotten Emma ready and made her play a bit while he went to check on Meredith.

"Hey?" He walked inside

"Oh-" She gasped and turned around

"Are you okay? Need anything?" He offered

"No. Just.." She shook her head. "I'll get myself dressed." She said

"Okay, Yell if I need to pull up a zipper or whatever." He said and blew her a kiss, returning to Emma who's playing in her room

"I bet they have big news. Auntie Amy will be there too. And nana and poppa!" Derek smiled

"And -Ai?" She asked, meaning to ask if Kai would be there as well

"I think they'll be there as well. You like them, heh?" Derek smiled. Glad his sister found such good partner

"Pway with the ball!" Emma chuckled as Kai had learned her how to score when playing basket

"Of course." Derek laughed, playing a bit longer with the girl until Meredith wheeled out in a dress and tights. "Wow Emma. Look at mommy, she's stunning." Derek said as Meredith stopped at the door entrance

Meredith chuckled, feeling slightly more confident

"Let's leave." Derek stood up, lifting Emma in his arms

Derek lifted Emma in the car while Meredith got in herself

"Let's go." Derek smiled at her, quickly kissing her after putting her chair in the back and he then drove off

The drive went fast and smooth. They picked up their parents so they were able to have a drink

"I'll drive us back home. I can't drink anyway." Meredith said to Derek. Their parents had insisted on sitting in the back as it's easier for Meredith to get inside in the front

"Don't worry. I don't need anything. You're nit drinking and Ems is with us." He placed his hand over her hand and drove to the restaurant. The family got out and met with Kai and Amelia

"Oh wow, they're on time for once." Derek laughed as he was brushing his finger's through Meredith's hair as they waited outside as it was pretty warm

"Shocks all of us." Christopher chuckled

"Hey!" Addison smiled as she walked out

"Well we're all here. Thanks for the invite." Amelia smiled

"Come on, let's go inside." Mark chuckled, grabbing Addison's hand

"They're acting weird.." Meredith muttered to Derek

"I agree." Derek nodded.

Sorry a short chapter but I was out all day. Thanks everyone for the wishes!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm starting on a new one since I'm trying to work the entire month, depending on my leg, but if things work out then I might be busy most of the day

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